The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

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Marcy Wheeler is live-tweeting her listening to the recording:

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The other thing that’s curious about this is that Georgia isn’t even enough.

I mean, I guess he just assumes that once GA goes, all the others will be easy or something.


and wapo now has put out the full transcript.


i’m just picturing the ga sec of state making the jerking off motions and muting him to clown the entire time…


Lol I’m only 6 minutes in but he sounds exactly like my grandpa rambling. And my grandpa is not well mentally.


In a sense, yes. He needs one coup to work to show the rest how it’s done and that it’s OK.


trump: [CENSORED] and her lovely daughter. i’m sure she’s lovely. did you know that 100% of the ballots that [CENSORED] scanned went to biden? did you know that?

lawyer: that is not accurate, mr president.

trump: oh yeah? then what is accurate?



This could be the basis for a fun Tik Tok video.

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Man, now I want to try and figure out who that woman is.

rasmussen prob retweeting it lol idk i don’t follow them

Loudest censor bleep ever.

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trump has another way to overturn the election, but he doesn’t want to talk about that yet because “it would shake up the world”

that’s one they missed in the writeup


Just a daily reminder for how much our Overton window has shifted, a call like this would have been insta-impeachment for any other previous democratic or republican president. None would have survived it. The call alone is a hundred times worse than watergate, and it’s on tape in all it’s glory just like Watergate. And Trump isn’t even going to lose republican institutional support over it.


Lol at Meadows. I get he is pandering to his boss but there is no way he thinks there is a path coward in or out of court.

Not the point but I bet Assange will get extradited.

He literally admitted on tape that he was just doing it to hurt the media not because he believed it to be true.

trmp talking about Ryan Germany: “i heard you have a difficult lawyer. i mean i’m sure he is good… nice last name.”

that tape does not disappoint


“I just need you to find 11,800” votes does not sound good no matter what you think.

I can just feel the eyebrolls from the secretary of state while listening to this.