The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I hope that he is right about “people staying home or voting negative” in the runoff (not verbatim).



Lol keed :)


Duh, free market means that we cant make laws to compel a minimum wage. Businesses should just want to do it, ya knowM

Yeah like it took a lot of effort to pass child labor laws.

How long was this stupid fuck the head of the NY Attorney? Or am I wrong here, that Preet B was a Top Law enforcement officer in New fucking York…

Damn you Trump, for making me like the Georgia Republican Secretary of State. Damn you. 2020 man.


That recording was less crazy than I expected!

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You are mixing your wrestling metaphors. Stone cold’s music hitting would signal someone coming to save things. With this particular JR call, you would 100% want the Undertaker’s dong to play there.


No he doesn’t. He’s lying.

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Do you think he believes the media is biased or is he lying about that, too?

I mean, he’s on tape admitting that he calls the media fake news in order to discredit them, so yeah, I think he’s lying about that too.

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If only Brad and Brian would take the next and arrest trump at the rally for violating GA election laws.

Would be a fun shitstorm. Eventually SCOTUS would need to rule but by then know one will care.

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Cassidy also not up for burning it all down. Ofc he’s safe until 2026.

I’m torn on this issue

Why is Trump carrying on with this shit?
  • He’s knowingly lying to try to salvage his reputation as a big winner
  • He’s knowingly lying to try to pressure officials into doing a coup for him
  • His mental illness is preventing him from processing such a personal loss and he really believes he won
  • For the LOLs. He’s a natural entertainer and he can’t turn it off. Inviting Joe Biden to the white house and congratulating him would be boring!

0 voters

All of the above + Putin told him 2


Democrats and RINO’s aren’t people.

I’m a rebel

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I think at some point, the intentional lying becomes the mental illness, so the first three choices are a distinction without a difference.


I have no doubt that he’s mentally ill, but he’s been laying the groundwork for this kind of challenge for five years. I don’t think any of us thought this wasn’t going to happen.

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