The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I mean he was #2 when Trump was running. He’s for sure drawing live to the presidency if Trump doesn’t run in 2024. And he’d take the VP spot in a second.

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Cruz is so condescending when he speaks. I can see average deplorables tuning him out and not showing up to vote.

Trump is condescending too but he entertains rubes. Cruz is just boring.

Come on man. This is more than most a human beings can hope to achieve in life.

This f’n guy


Amazing tweet on so many levels

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“Senate rules prevent me from saying what I really think of you and your publicity stunt to sow discord and hasten the end of democracy in the United States.”



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Loser tour, 2020.


It’s a cult. We get it.

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him waving to people from the limo when he was hospitalized with corona is in the commercial for the big coup event jan 6

is trump gonna call on his supporters to storm the capitol on jan 6?
  • ya
  • nah
  • lol maybe

0 voters

I hope so.


An underrated part of this thread is normal people discussing what’s going on in the real world and being interrupted by Donny Dipshit posting some Qanon level conspiracy bullshit.

If he wasn’t POTUS, you’d think he’s some 12 year troll spamming us. But, alas.


The stirring Gladiator like first battle scene music is a nice touch. Make loin stirring great again!

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Is there a discreet way to pee on a grave? I assume I can’t just whip it out and not be branded a sex criminal while in Arlington NC. If I store every ounce of urine I create in a year, can I pour it out on his headstone?


Think you might want Arlington, VA?

Put it in a Mountain Dew bottle and pour it out discreetly, but also I suspect you are confusing Arlington NC with Arlington VA.

Only two presidents are buried at Arlington and they’re running out of space there, so I suspect there’d be pretty strong opposition to Trump being buried there, esp since he never served. OTOH, I can totally see MAGA chuds lobbying hard to set up an extremely tacky Trump monument there. Maybe the’ll toss out a few WWI vets to make room.

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