Yeah Trump clearly blames Mitch and GOP senate for not being “RIGGED ELECTION” and this is his spite play.
Dunno why I actually read posts bashing dem establishment today when they immediately put that in the house for a vote and voted in favor of it. A few of you can go a day without doing that in your lives no matter what ya know.
Remember Trumps initial response to gold star family criticizing him was to attack back
Trumps response to McCain fighting him, I don’t like soldiers that were captured.
Trumps response to GOP saying you lost, attack back. He just so happens to be right here, but it isn’t because he gives a fuck about the simpletons. (But go Trump this one quick time? Then please croak)
“Immediately” is doing an absolute ton of work here when a week ago Nancy was calling 600 a “significant amount”. Remind me again why it’s 2000
It’s a good thing that trump is tweeting in support of 2000
Just another joke of a post. Nancy and most establishment dems wouldn’t touch 2k with a ten foot pole prior to this week.
Herschel is the one who achieved the body of a Greek god doing only pushups and sit-ups. But apparently not the brain.
lol I love that you are all like responding to me like I’m going to support Trump or don’t understand his motives. Good lord guys calm down.
Trump had to force their hand for them to even fucking try. No shit they put it to a vote, they couldn’t not after Trump called for it, they’d have their heads on a spike.
Prior to this Bernie and the squad were legit the only people on the left I ever heard calling for stimulus payments. If Democrats had controlled all three branches many of them were hyping it up as the same bill but with, gasp, $1,200.
Obviously Trump is a complete piece of shit and this is totally out of spite, but it’s hilariously sad Bernie, the squad, and fucking TRUMP were the only people openly pushing for this. Well maybe the hawley guy and a small few others. No one in the dem leadership, until Trump literally forced them too.
Wow… did not see that tweet coming. If Sanders wanted to really play Trump he should get his people on the phone with him and see if he wants to do a joint press release or something.
Also if you took away Trump’s racism, xenophobia and misogynism, and then only listened to what Trump said he was going to do and not actually what trump does, and ignored judges and social issues, he would be pretty similar to Bernie Sanders.
That‘s because right-wing populist rhetoric without racism, xenophobia and misogynism only leaves left-wing economic policies.
Insert 10.000 word dvaut-post on how racism and rhetoric is used to trap people into voting against their economic interests.
broken clock I know but ‘get better leaders’ I fully support. Am I banned now?
I like how one payment of $2,000 is some magic dust
Should have been 3,000 a person
Every month
For the last 10 months
Fuck these s