The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

When did it become 6 disputed states? What are the other two?

Like rescinded. Arithmetic needs work.

It may have been marginally smarter, maybe, to throw in the closest state they won and say there was rampant fraud there too. Like we’re contesting NC too where we really won by eleventy points!

They also led with an inspirational quote from…Stalin.


this is the thing, these dipshits are the same dipshits who were talking about the “silent majority” all year, and now it’s “but biden didn’t have any big rallies, QED we win by a lot!”

( twitter | raw text )



New California and New Nevada.


The lamestream media seems to be ignoring this breaking news, anyone know what he’s talking about?

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Normally you can figure out some kind of context from the tweet comments, but lately it seems to be mostly just people dunking on Trump so I still have no idea.

Also I remain deeply confused by Trump-logic i.e., “There were too many votes, therefore I win.”

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Maybe? I can’t figure out what the claim here is anyways.

Edit—I don’t think this guy knows what “examined” means.


Must be like the name Shiflett in Charlottesville, Virginia.

(just throwing this one out there, hoping someone gets the joke)

Huge if true.

I think he organized a list of voters by last name and counted the number of last names. So the 9 million voters have a little over 500,000 different last names. Half of those last names are just represented by a single person.

Why that should even be an indication of fraud, I have no idea.

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He’s also saying that based on the US as a whole, there are too few people with some common last names.

  1. There “should” be 90626 Smiths, but there are only 75852. (LOL @ assuming PA must look exactly like the whole US)
  2. This discrepancy means 14776 Smiths had their votes stolen!! (LOL even harder)

I mean, he completely ignores that there are 20000 EXTRA Millers on his spreadsheet. What is that supposed to mean?

I don’t think this is the “205K extra votes” Trump is talking about but still hilarious.

( twitter | raw text )

  1. It’s a little late for a campaign commercial, isn’t it?
  2. “He’s What’s For America” is an amazingly stupid slogan. You can’t help but think of the old slogan for Beef: “It’s What’s For Dinner”
  3. I know that’s a well-known piece of music, but it seems completely out of touch with the intended mood. It’s like half way between Bugs Bunny and Benny Hill.

Conclusion: Fuck you, loser.

EDIT: OMG I just realized that’s the SAME MUSIC as the old Beef commercials, so the reference is INTENTIONAL. They want you to think of Donald Trump as a meal that Americans are physically consuming. SMH


The Mueller investigation was a Republican investigation started by the GOP itself. There was also credible evidence.


This could also be explained by different ways of counting hyphenated last names. So if someone is named Susan Smith-Williams, you could count her as both a Williams and a Smith, just as a Smith or as a (possibly unique) Smith-Williams. Different algorithms would lead to different outcomes (and could explain some of the „missing“ voters).

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@GermanGuy @TheDuker
I kinda thought that was what he was doing, but I was like “nah it couldn’t be that stupid.” And that was an error by me.