See also every other Democratic idea.
Calling it “The Affordable Care Act” is idiotic. Call it “The American Plan” or “Patriot Health” or some other stupid shit to fool the rubes.
See also every other Democratic idea.
Calling it “The Affordable Care Act” is idiotic. Call it “The American Plan” or “Patriot Health” or some other stupid shit to fool the rubes.
I chalk that one up to the idiocy of the American public as much as the Washington Generals.
“We want affordable health care!”
“Here’s the Affordable Care Act!”
“Herp derp your Obamacare sucks!”
Republicans have been very successfully fighting election security bills passed by Dems in the last few years. It hasn’t hurt them in the slightest. Even when they are now the ones complaining about problems with election security.
Who said Mitch owned him?
Mitch does own him. Trump just doesn’t know it.
At least she learned. Many don’t.
Learned what? That doing nice things for people in expectation of getting a reward is a loser’s game?
Yea, well my mom can beat up your mom.
Yea, well my mom you bake your mom some Tollhouse premade cookie dough cookies afterword just to spit on your mom’s delicious homemade cake. She wouldn’t even offer any milk.
Any do:
My mother punched your mother right in the nose. What color was the blood?
To determine who was “it”
Did your mom make bikini cakes for your Jr. High class? With Hostess Snowballs for boobs?
Bring it!
Are your moms available to beat up my mom?
Pics of moms?
Your momma wears army boots.
Can you guys get off mamas please? I just got off yours.
I hope you had fun with the other four guys.