Fuck. Trump is behind 5G. Going to be some spinning heads out there.
In all the impeachment rules people were suggesting seems making it impossible to pardon a president by another president would be “justice”.
At least a decent check.
Make Afghanistan Great Again is a good outlet store for MAGA merchandise.
Sweet Summer Child, I recently continued my three year sojourn to consume Designated Survivor. What do you think about that show and say West Wing?
Breaking news: Don Jr is an asshole.
If the target is Guilfoyle, I’ll allow it.
Another Trump that should just read the teleprompter.
Up from his nap.
Keep America Great! Oh wait.
No way Pence even shows up on 1/6 right?
He’s not wrong there.
Easiest “self-quarantine due to covid exposure” in history.
just another ugly chapter in our Country’s history
Not wrong here either!
That‘s why it is a colossal failure of Democratic leadership not to introduce a revamped VRA and call it some Amerocan Election Security Act BS. Make Republicans (especially Loeffler and Perdue fight Trump‘s message.