The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Afghanistan>America, got it

( twitter | raw text )

At what point do reasonable people decide that we cannot look the other way in the interest of “healing”? The tree of liberty is thirsty indeed…

We’re well past that point.


Joes admin still going to try though, because they think its politically beneficial and think they’re going to win over the moderate Trump supporters. Even if not, they’ll be worried about the turnout of his voters if they go after him.

It’s actually kind of a tough question. Is going after Trump before 2022 worth losing the house and getting crushed in the senate? It’s possible we can push a divide between Trumpers and Republicans, this would end that as Republicans would run to his defense and win them back over.

Although it looks like we’re going to lose both of those anyways because loldems and loljoe so we should go after him to at least get something out of this shit admin. Won’t happen though, they won’t go after Trump and will still lose. Life of a dem.

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lol trump is in fantasy land thinking Dems would fight to the death



The politicians wouldn’t do shit, but if something like Trump actually stole the election and it was clear and we 100% believed there would have been massive riots and protests.

It’s pretty obvious Trumpers don’t actually believe it. No way they’d just be sitting on their ass whining if they actually believed it, they’re just whining and kinda hoping Trump can pull a magic trick out of his hat and ruin democracy.


Disagree. Given that it could have been part of some larger attack on US Soil, I expect the President to be in the situation room (lol Maralago) but I expect him to be getting a very full and hours long briefing and monitoring of intelligence and response. Other cities should be put on alert.

(Although oddly, Trump specifically being out of the loop is ok, the question is-was anyone of competence and authority playing that role?)

$740 defense bill



Before popping in I fully expected this thread to be titled Pardon Palooza.

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Serious question. What evidence do you have dems are losing the house and senate in 2022?

Glad to see that ol’ Biden charm working on the Republicans. Can’t wait to see the bipartisanship!

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We know what they would do. This actually happened in 2000.


The fact they lost seats in the house in 2020. The fact they’re the washington generals and have just done a fucking horrible job with the stimulus bill and everything else and progressives are pissed at them. I expect them to lose a lot of progressive support in 2022 after Bidens bullshit. Also Biden getting almost zero done, not using the EO power enough, and trying to negotiate with lol Mitch like fucking idiots.

And most importantly the party opposing the president 90% of the time makes big gains in the midterms.

Looks to be pretty clear they’re huge favorites to get killed in 2022. If somehow they win the GA runoffs and can get shit done this changes, but still likely to lose because loldems and the opposing party always making big gains.


Yes. He is absolutely supposed to stop, he’s president not the manager of a dairy queen. He is supposed to at least acknowledge that it happened, say local authorities are all over it and he is monitoring the situation. He can monitor the situation from the golf course, but he didn’t even have one of his flunkies write up the boilerplate tweet. Stop covering for him.

Reading that pathetic whine parade actually brought me joy.



Hey look, Trump can personally fund our armed forces!