This quote from Dispatches. Michael Herr. Is something else. 50 years on from Vietnam, the press still doesnt know how to handle outright lies from those in power.
That is terrible parody lol but I guess speaks to the difficulty of doing parody. Like how do you do an exaggerated version of Mitch? Same problem as doing an exaggerated version of Trump.
“The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
These are dark times and the Christmas star (Jupiter and Saturn aligned) portends an urgent need for action.
Trump has stood up to China and the Swamp, but the latter remains undrained, thanks to feet draggers such as Jeff Sessions and William Barr.
It’s time for action, not just grumbling, sloganeering, and ’trusting the plan.’ It is now time to use the Insurrection Act and arrest the traitors. Yes, that will inevitably lead to bloodshed, but the Tree of Liberty is thirsty.
Fuck Trump and everything, but what exactly is he supposed to do? Bomb goes off at 7:30. Trump finds out at 7:45. OK, then what? I mean it’s bad optics to go golfing at 10, but he DGAF. Other than monitor the situation, what would Obama have done? Fly to Nashville?
Well, there are the 290 other days he’s played golf while president.
He could have stopped between holes to say something like Obama did and got criticized for that one time, but he couldn’t even do that. Not that it matters.