The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I mean, it’s not as long as you might think. It’s December 23. Employers must provide W2’s to employees by January 31st. People could file pretty quickly after that.

Republicans insisted the bill come in at under $1 trillion, so I assume the amounts and thresholds are an attempt at economic triage. Obviously, not having to compromise is better. Maybe they should have scrapped a second round of PPP and had all of that money go to direct checks and enhanced unemployment.

That’s still 8 weeks away. Just give everyone money.

This isn’t hard.


Naw man I’m saying it doesn’t matter whatever garbage rules were put in place. Rules and norms no longer matter, you fire them and then if people want to challenge it in the courts so be it

So you file in 6 weeks and then you have to hope the IRS does their thing quickly and the checks are distributed in a timely manner. People have already been waiting for months just fucking give them money and take it back when 2021 returns are filed if they end up not qualifying.

It is though. There is a lot to criticize about this bill, a lot, but the delay in getting people money probably isn’t one of them. Assuming you agree the money should be means-tested, then that takes time. Even if you don’t agree the money should be means-tested, well it still takes time to figure out how to get the money in the hands of every single American. Not everyone has bank accounts. Not everyone is well enough document by the government (ie don’t pay taxes, move around a lot etc), for the government to even figure out how and where to get them money. This took a long time last time around and just using the same criteria as the last bill allows them to reuse the system from last time instead of reinventing the wheel so that they can get the money to everyone faster.

Just pass it out and tax it back based on 2020. But we can’t do that cause it makes sense.

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I think they’re scared if the inevitable DEMOCRATS ARE RAISING YOUR TAXES attacks. That’s why they’re so committed to means testing even though its obviously stupid. They know they lose every messaging battle and that if they give people $1 and tax back 50c then they’ll need to eat years of attacks about stealing 50c from everyone.

That’s a huge difference though between the US bill and the Canadian one, and one that makes the US version much more difficult. If someone made at least $5,000 then they are at least in your income tax information systems in some manner.


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Fair enough. But the process still takes time and they built the infrastructure up last time around to do it this way. It’ll take longer to do it a different way. It’s just the reality of the situation. I still think it’s the least bad option at this point (the mechanism, not the amount, the amount is terrible LDO).

Edit: And the evidence that it takes time is that: last time people still hadn’t been paid going into like august and September.

Sure, it’s possible to want the right thing for the wrong reason. Trump don’t gaf about people suffering, he just wants credit, he wants his name on the checks.

This is compromise legislation that took months to negotiate, he knows you can’t just barge in after it’s done and say “hey this one part’s too low, let’s quadruple it!” Especially after everybody has gone home.

The headline this morning isn’t “Americans poised to get $2000 stimulus checks”, it’s “Trump again sows chaos” because he’s a stupid infantile attention whore.

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Lol apparently people aren’t even bothering to show up for work at the White House. Some have already gotten other jobs.

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Trump really is Gollum. He’s roaming the halls of the White House alone muttering about the stolen election and the only one listening is Powell, because she’s crazier than he is.


I don’t know, “let’s quadruple it!” seems to be his thing

“The Postal Service is a joke. Because they’re handing out packages for Amazon and other internet companies and every time they send a package, they lose money on it,” Trump said. “The Post Office should raise the price of a package by approximately four times.”


This is how it’s done.


Is she banging him? Not up to his “standards” As he would say but beggars…

I don’t know much about Powell and I’m not going to investigate, but I would not be surprised if she has a brain tumor.

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And then anyone halfway-reasonable who tries on the ring goes fucking nuts.


Ah they’re not even getting paid to overthrow democracy ya fuck that I’d be out too

Yeah that’s sort of the problem with wanting to overthrow the government is you gotta be the entire government now. I dunno what the people who planned to execute Gretchen Whitmer were going to do after but it had better been stuff like figuring out how to get potholes fixed quicker, updating of zoning laws and how to improve after school programs.