The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Yeah, but there are a lot of me out there still and we’re going to need to be good sized chunk of the base of whoever Trump 2.0* is.

* Artistic license being used, I am not a Trumper unless I over do the peanut butter.


There were like multiple people in Hitler’s lifetime successfully copying his style!

If anything, Trump is largely just copying Reagan’s song and dance. And then you’ve got guys like Jesse Ventura and Schwarzenegger making the move from lowbrow entertainment to politics. Maybe Trump is better at this game than most, but he doesn’t have some secret sauce that no one else will be able to duplicate.

Is Adam Driver the next Clooney? Women seem to like him.


“The dems are just doing this to make you look weak.”

Repeat as needed.


Majority report wrt the JD & AOC stuff… Benjamin Dixon done a segment too on the MR & his own show…

Unfortunately Sam gave JD some advice (read more, get informed) and he didn’t take it, that was 4 years ago… Now this shit.

Sorry for the derail


Bowtie will kill him.

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Yep. Even though he lies all the time, people can tell he’s genuinely one of them.


They’re used to watching homemade YouTube videos.

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The closest Republican victory was Tillis in NC by a shade under 2%. Next is Iowa with a 6.5% margin. Does Trump turn on Joni Ernst or does he say Republican senators need to be more like her. Susan Collins at 8.5%. Does Trump turning on the GOP hurt her or help her? John Cornyn won Texas by 9.6%. Steve Daines won Montana by 10%.

Trump and Mitch’s arrangement has been pretty obvious since Trump swept aside the Bannon plan for R orthodoxy on all issues, outside of trade and being even harsher on immigration. Trump hands off policy to Mitch and his pals in exchange for Mitch keeping his caucus in line on Trump’s #1 priority by far, sweeping aside Trump’s personal corruption.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Mitch always kept enough heat on Trump to let him know that he could doomswitch Trump at anytime if Trump got so bad (in Mitch’s opinion) on policy that Mitch was indifferent to just losing R elections for a couple of cycles.

Remember Ds had zero power from 2017-2018 during Russia, Russia, Russia-gate. Rs allowed that investigation and Mueller to happen. Pretty optimal for Mitch to have that hanging over Trump’s head while publicly being his protector…just sayin.


has kerowo heard of him?

You think it’s worth 10 points? Lol, my dude, 300k dead and our entire lives being upended for 8 months was worth like 2 points. Comey letter swung the electorate by about 1ish points in 2016. Also the evidence for this is polling, so we don’t really know how many “Johnson” poll voters in 2016 just felt more confident about saying they were voting for Trump (Johnson’s polls dropped post Comey). Also also, we’ve become more partisan since 2016. Finally, it’s the second round of checks. Even the first round of checks didn’t produce a big swing towards Trump in head-to-head polls.

Meanwhile, on Parler:


Oh, now it’s 10 points? wtf, that’s a pretty massive goalpost shift. It doesn’t even need to be a whole point to swing the election (GA, WI, AZ all less than 1%).

You said “orders of magnitude,” so I thought that’s what you were saying. I also said in my first post that he definitely could’ve “won” with 269 with a 1 point swing from the checks.

I said orders of magnitude more people would notice the checks than the comey letter.

Finally an EO that addresses the real issues Americans are facing in today’s society.


This looks like another Steven Miller undertaking.