The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

He only has power over the ones facing primaries. Mitch DGAF.

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That’s like saying we’re naive if we don’t think some savvy media personality couldn’t copy George Clooney’s overall style. Step one is bit of a doozy.

Tucker Carlson could easily wafflecrush the 2024 election.

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There’s like a dozen guys right now doing what Clooney did.

But I don’t know their names, which is the point. I get it, you think there is some super charismatic evil republican out there who is smart enough to get into the white house using Trump’s playbook of being stupid enough to appeal to stupid people but smart enough to not make stupid mistakes. I guess we’ll see.

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He could easily still go out and go hard and tell his people not to vote in the runoff and Mitch loses his majority leader status 100%

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Trump had tons of leverage over McConnell for four years and got basically nothing substantive for it.

Hell, many rubes thought and expected Trump to be an unorthodox centrist, but he got fox-newsed (or he got Trumped, because he’s incapable of competence). He had many paths to a 57% victory.

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Trump’s unique position with the Apprentice, and as a self-promoter “elite business man” before, is going to be hard to replicate. There aren’t a dozen rap songs from the 90s and 2000s mentioning Tucker Carlson.

Also Trump was fairly moderate until he discovered the twitter feedback loop and gave himself brain worms. Maybe Trump 2.0 is out there now but also pretty moderate.


Oscar Isaac? I don’t really follow Hollywood so I can’t name a bunch more but I’m pretty sure “be hot and charismatic” is a recipe that many other actors will be able to duplicate.

Take a look at the Senate election results and tell me which seats you think would be flipped if Trump did that.

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If a guy like Trump was easy to replicate, a guy like Trump would have already happened. It’s the same thing with guys like Hitler, Stalin, etc.

Look at Jr. He desperately craves the same attention as daddy but no one GAF about him. The only reason he has a following is because he rides Donny Dum Dum’s coattails.


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Also Trump is so popular because he IS the base, you can’t fake that.


Barr must have so much dirt on Trump. Otherwise Trump would be absolutely unloading on him on Twitter.

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You don’t realize how good Hannity and Tucker and Rush are at their jobs until you see someone who’s terrible try to do it.


Finally, if this matter is not timely resolved, not only Petitioner, but the
Nation as а whole may suffer injury from the resulting confusion. Indeed, the intense
national and worldwide attention on the 2020 Presidential election only foreshadows the disruption that may well follow if the uncertainty and unfairness shrouding this election are allowed to persist . The importance of а prompt resolution of the federal constitutional questions presented by this case cannot be overstated.

Nice country you got there, huh, Justices? Be a shame if anything happened to it because you took off for the holidays.

The reality of Trump or Clooney is not some high level description. It a unique arrangement of parts and attitude and bearing and history and how it’s worked on some subset of the population over time. Only people like Ted Cruz think the abstract resume is the reality (when the reality is actually Ted Cruz).


like, you’re a dinosaur, it’s not surprising you don’t know the hot up and comers. You keep getting older, the target demographic stays the same age.


Ignoring politics I don’t understand how people can watch oann and newsmax. It’s like a high school level production

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Honestly Trumps ability to control his base is fucking crazy. I still think he could have flipped a lot of them if he tried. Plus Mitch didn’t know that going into it. Would he really risk Trump going after the senate to prevent a bill from passing?

Honestly I think he played some jedi mind shit on Trumps dumbass and convinced him this would be best for him.