The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Odds future Trump quotes Lincoln as saying he was the best president ever?


But he is best tackling dummy ever.


So glad she has not gotten any kind of job offer from the Biden administration. She’s been terrible throughout. Fauci showed how you can try to still good from within the system, maybe the only person who has done that in this administration. Birx is terrible and will not be remembered well by history.


Wut? He doesn’t need Barr to issue pardons. He can write them on napkins in crayon and they’d be legal.

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After that speech about Trump’s “intense attention to detail in the literature” or whatever, it was pretty obvious she is spineless at best and likely (as now confirmed) much worse.


Having watched ole Tubby coach it’s clear he is not interested in anything remotely approaching work. Mitch will have him in for a chat. He will make some brief objection noise on the floor and then do nothing.

Seems some of the legal profession are still in hope, emptywheel thinks M Flynn’s pardon has holes, I think

Doesn’t he need to specify what the pardon is for, in a more or less legally sound way?

Yes, he does. He doesn’t need Barr to do that though.

I mean, he doesn’t need Barr at all to issue pardons?

Can pardons be verbal?

“I hereby pardon Edward Snowden, who really was treated very unfairly, for blowing the whistle on Grumpy Cat Jim Clapper’s illegal and totally outrageous surveillance program…”

I don’t think so? The constitution just says:

shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of impeachment.

Generally accepted at hte time the constitution was written though that pardons were in writing I think.

There’s a whole Office of the Pardon Attorney that coordinates all the details in theory.

To the extent that the AG is involved, the next one certainly won’t be any more likely to constrain trump in any way.

Fauci ran as hot as the sun not to get shitcanned by Trump somehow. I’m still not sure why it never happened.

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Trump can probably just submit a list of people for blanket pardons and the SC will uphold them. It’s not even clear they would be wrong to do society, at least in this perverse game.

I’d bet a lot of money that office will play little to no role in any of trumps pardons.

Mostly because Trump had no authority to fire him and would have had to fire like at least a half dozen people to get to him. Would have been a hell of a Saturday night massacre and would have looked pretty bad before the election. After the election, I’m not sure, he probably just forgot.

Really? He couldn’t have at least just kicked him off the task force?

Yeah I guess he could have done that but the (lol) task force stopped meeting or doing anything anyway, didn’t it? Trump stopped caring about, or paying attention to, the task force months ago.

Trump couldn’t fire Fauci because he would have gone on TV every night and talked about the virus. Trump was able to control him by not firing him.