The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Lol, 75 is the fix used to be ~115

Trump has replaced the defense secretary with a slappie, and they’ve built a fence around the White House. So there’s that. I think though that if he does try something, it would be literally at the last minute, and the secret service would just remove him from the White House while Biden is being sworn in.
( twitter | raw text )

I mean, he’s kind of run out of room to do something? If he waits until after January 6 and the congressional certification, I think he’s just out of time. I don’t think anyone high up in the military is ignoring orders from the supreme court, or from a Joe Biden once he takes the oath on January 20th. The time to make a move was before the electoral college, when he could at least argue some kind of veneer of legal cover.

Not really anything new.

I’m curious to see what sort of low-level insurgency would be inspired by a Trump coup, especially if he suffers a fate that allows him to be portrayed as a matter.

Giuliani is in on it for the grift. He knows none of this is real. It’s why he tells judges under oath there’s no fraud. Powell though is a true believer, as is Trump.

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Just listened to Behind the Bastards regarding the John Birch Society. They mentioned that Goldwater ran on something similar in 1964.

The podcast gave me the thought that Kennedy/LBJ were basically triangulated into Vietnam because the right, from McCarthy on, kept using weaknesses on communism as a political issue. It was also Nixon’s go to pre-1960.

Now it seems like a movie we’ve seen many times.

I don’t know if I saw it here or elsewhere but literally anyone in the room where any of this plotting was happening have a duty to get to the nearest TV camera and spill.

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Kennedy was plenty anti-communist and whatever difference between the Dems and Rs as far as war vs peace there is now, it was even smaller then. It was not clear that one was more pro-war than the other. So…dunno. Years later McGovern got creamed because he wanted to end the war though (it was not because he was otherwise so liberal).

But…as I’m sure you know as it must have been mentioned in that podcast…you know the Koch Brothers’ father was a founding member of the JB Society.

Also, of note, RFK got his first big government appointment from Joe McCarthy.

Yes, and it really seems like the 1956-1964 right wing won in 1980 and have been running the show ever since. Mitch and his judges is like the long delayed reaction to Brown v Board.

Trump is all John Birch affect with no substance remaining because it’s no longer historically relevant. They won the war but they forget why they were fighting it. It sure as hell wasn’t for Paul Ryan.


Duties are for losers.

I would love to see Trump attempt an actual military coup. Bring it on, fucker.


The Birchers were big around Wilmington/Woburn MA because of the Koch Membrane systems plant there. My dad told me stories about them. (He worked at a defense contractor nearby.) Unfortunately, my brother worked at that plant for a while and I think his mind was poisoned there.

This never happened because LOL Maggie Haberman. Unless, of course, it did happen. In which case, nice scoop Maggie!

This is where I am. I hope he overplays his hand because I don’t think it will succeed. I’m more afraid of the slow creep of fascism in the coming years. By really going for it now I think he sets it back.

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and doing it to stop the horrors of… joe biden is so lol

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40k likes. Big sads are intensifying.

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Seems like he should be mad with Mitch. Also, in California, depending on where he lives I hope he doesn’t need an ICU bed.