The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Will he be inside?


If that was on the menu Jeff Bezos couldn’t be outbid.
( twitter | raw text )

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I mean we all know the answer to this, but does he actually not understand how vetoes work?


I’m hoping he doesn’t understand how pardons work and thinks he can tweet out pardons in the last hour of the last day without doing any paperwork.

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He does not understand how that works.


I’m fairly certain he understands how bankruptcies work.


trump only advocates locking up female politicians


Too bad those are all felonies as of 12:01pm on 1/20/21.

onion right?

Um so if he’s not planning on leaving the white house why is he being “inaugurated” (all of my lols) in Florida?


The best part is that he has no plan of leaving the White House prior to Jan 20


And any attempt to remove him will require force*!

*before Jan 20th


God I’m going to laugh so hard if they actually have him up there in front of Newsmax cameras with his hand on the Bible and all that. Melania in the background just going :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


If Trump says I am president, now let’s see which news agencies will report the truth, do Newsmax and/or OANN go along?

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Should we start moderating the Trump bot? Pretty sure it would have caught a perma by now.

Interesting point and counter to a lot of the argument that goes on around here about what kind of posting is ok and why.

Leave the bot. A reminder of our (the UP yanks) shame. Also, for the hilarity.


Say I was a maga guy really into Trump and believed him and gave money. Say I thought that he should really be president again. Does that belief preclude me from thinking it’s stupid or dangerous for him to hold some kind of weird ceremony on Jan 20?

Like even if you’re fully bought in, it’s no secret that it’s over. Courts have spoken, the EC has voted–theres no way for Trump to become president for the next four years that doesn’t involve a coup.

So, doesn’t he lose like 50% (20%?) of people who would have supported him a month ago, because there’s no process left?

Say I thought Al Gore won in 2000 and the SCt decision was incoherent, am I hoping Al Gore holds his own swearing in and proclaims he is the president? No, that would be crazy.

I don’t even have a conclusion here. I’m just wondering if the rubes who voted for him will have some moment of clarity.