The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces



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Well at least he is making election reform easier. If dems were smart they would push for paper ballot receipts and more oversight on election systems republicans blocked. Along with a free State or National voter ID where you are automatically registered to vote when you become eligible.

Pushing it now and having Mitch block it would be good. Especially if you kept it simple so reps have less talking points to squirm out of the jam.


This is like countin jelly beans at the county fair wearin a bowtie and shoutin into a megascope, it’s not presidential. We gotta come together and defend the electoral college.


I’m of the school of thought that the public should know what the president is saying or thinking even if, or especially, if it’s racist or deranged. Didn’t this forum have a Trump bot? Was it really just for the laughs? I looked in just to see what he was tweeting and how people were reacting

But I agree I’m looking forward to when he’s a citizen again and truly hope they take his account away or severely restrict it so he doesn’t have such a huge platform to brainwash his tin foil hat followers

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Some people believe in the rule of law. Now, Twitter isn’t a government that makes laws, but the principle still stands. Some people don’t like it when the rich and powerful get special treatment rather than having the rules applied equally to them. They find it offensive when the rules are re-written to make an exception for Trump.

Anyways, the Twitter public interest policy carves out an exception for candidates and nominees for political office, so maybe Trump can just announce he’s running in 2024 to keep his Twitter account.

If you give it a platform you need to do it responsibly.

News sites should absolutely comment on his tweets, with appropriate context.

His tweets here are again in context and not harming anyone.

Just amplifying to every moron on the internet. Not responsible.


Yes, we had (and still do have) a Trump bot. You’re still completely my point, so maybe I’m not stating it well.

I’m not saying that Twitter should or should not ban Trump. I’m merely saying that they have that ability. Twitter is not a passive participant here. They have actively decided that the rules that apply to people like John Q Public and Miro Yiannopoulis do not apply to Donald Trump simply because he is the president. The narrative that Twitter’s hands are tied is completely false and the media should not be going along with it.

So the sentence “Trump can be banned from Twitter on January 20” is something that should never be written, because it’s obvious. He can be banned tomorrow. He could have been banned yesterday, or three years ago. Twitter has chosen not to do so.



Jesus that graph is insane! Just wow. I knew some version of this but that graph makes it so stark.

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For once, a graph like that doesn’t begin to diverge heavily during Reagan’s presidency.

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Reminds me of this data of partisanship in the house. Nodes are members and edges are how often they vote the same way. The separation seems to happen after Reagan took office.

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And Conservatives won’t allow the House to be aborted, since it has now divided into two cells.

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lol - he cares about the “reviews” of a vaccine

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