The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

If it was going to a good charity, easily a grand or so. If not, maybe $250.

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Mother of God he’s so dumb.

Imagine if one of us tried that just for shits and giggles and got in? It would be like War Games. except w/o young vivacious Ally Sheedy to go on the run with me.


What? Of course they can.

Should they ban him if he tweets “Let’s kill all the black people” or instructs people to burn down Democrat-run cities?

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That doesn’t mean he has to have a Twitter account to use to lie and incite violence.

I’m old enough to remember a time when presidents didn’t have Twitter accounts.

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everyone needs to stop rounding up like trmp. it’s 74.22 million.


Found SweetSummerChild’s main account

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This guy’s a birddog with a bad hat playing backseat bingo with dictators. Come on, man.


I’d do a grand even if it was for a cause I vehemently disagreed with.

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I’ve been told many times that kids don’t spread it!

Anyway the plan was obviously for the peasants to catch it and die while the rich people hid out. Then step 2 was to hope acquired immunity was a thing and was lasting.

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Vincent Price was great in that movie.

I wish. I’m not nearly that clever.

That sounds suspiciously like something a clever person would say.


You think too much of me kid, I’m not that clever


Oh, man. I knew that was coming from somewhere but I couldn’t remember where. Thanks!

Wow. A+++

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Even Trump-Trump 2024?

10 grand, easy.


He’s prolly negotiating the PPV fees as we speak. “ The Last Grift “

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I wonder when was the last time Trump faced a real physical threat / altercation.