The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

This is not a thing. Electors voting to tell electors in other states what to do.

Texas is really jealous of Florida and is trying so hard to be the worst.

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Are you kidding? The diamond and silk show. Charlie Kirk round table? They could program three full channels with all the horribleness out there.

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Trump is more likely to make a deal to rebrand Newsmax or OANN. He won’t buy it, in fact he will get paid for the use of his name and he will also exert editorial control by public coercion, not direct authority.

Will that count as a trump news network?

No way is he funding or raising the funds to startup or buy one.


Cant wait for Trump to have to use Parler.


I take it you don’t feel that what the POTUS says is by definition newsworthy. The rest of the world may not agree. Just because this president happens to be an utter moron, doesn’t mean what he says can’t have a huge impact on financial markets, foreign affairs, etc. Like it or not, the person who presides over the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth is important

*I’m referring more to your comment that Twitter can ban him whenever they want and choose not to

Edit: It is my hope that after Jan 20th he loses much of his megaphone platform and will fade into the night. That’s probably much too hopeful tho

Nobody he cares about is on Parler.

Parler is playing the long game. They know Trump will get banned on Twitter and he’s dumb enough to fork over his social security number to get verified.


Worth reading the post article on mar a lago just to see how bad Trump got reamed in 1993.

Of course palm beach being worthless impacts that but the agreement Trump made back then was unbelievable. He basically can’t do anything with it other than exactly what it has been.

Nobody can stay there more than 21 days a year. He can’t develop any of the land EVER. Just an interesting read on what a great negotiator Trump is.


When we were talking about who was pursuing emoluments were you seriously talking about the hotel and restaurant owners seeking action against him? Is that what you were really thinking of?

You weren’t talking about the Democrats or Congress or the impeachment, you were talking about crew?

( I’ll give you the answer. It’s “of course not” not " herp derp lol ur wrong people are going after emoluments".)

What are they going to do with it? Steal his debt?


I honestly have no idea why you’re so mad here. I thought you asked me what emoluments cases were out there and I linked to the one Zephyr Teachout has been working on. Guess I misunderstood.
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Did you imagine “they” here stood for anyone on Earth? Zephyr Teachout? Some Hotel owners who are mad? You don’t think it’s obvious that this was about the Democratic party and the impeachment?
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Of course what he says has an impact on things.

I’m not sure what that has to do with my point.

This is bad. DeSantis is risking war with Vendikar.

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A. Please calm down.

B. I didn’t think too hard about who you meant by “they”. If you’re asking specifically why Congressional Dems haven’t launched an emoluments case, it’s probably because they don’t have standing and no one expects Cocaine Mitch to impeach over retail gritting.

I’m not really sure the hotel owners are all that mad. As I understand it, Zephyr had to bring them on board only after she was told that CREW didn’t have standing to bring a case.

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