The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Will you give me 2:1 that he doesn’t start his own news channel?

I think the recent story where Michigan congressman Paul Mitchell abandoned the Republican party is very significant. In his letter he cited incitement of distrust in our electoral process, attacks on the Supreme Court, and tolerance of unfounded conspiracy theories among the reasons he could no longer stand for being associated with Republicans.

This will be the first of many. The dam has broken and Mitchell will inspire countless other Republican lawmakers to renounce the party. Many of them will not even be retiring next month. Eventually a new party will arise and there will be a decades-long battle between the Trump/QAnon/Tea Party lunatic faction and a more moderate group of reasonable and compassionate conservatives like Mitt Romney, John Kasich, and Larry Hogan. These moderates will gain traction by demonstrating a commitment to solutions instead of ideology. We could even see the return of Jeff Flake to lead this new party in the 2024 election cycle.

I’m confident that this deep schism, and the ensuing battle for the soul of American conservatism, will last a very long time and ultimately lead to Democratic majorities for many years to come.


Haha you get me every time!


This account is so well done


Largely true I think and why they never went after Trump for emoluments which seemed like a much more clear and easy case than Russia.


? There most definitely is an ongoing emoluments case against Trump. Sort of doubt there’s a similar kind of case to be leveled against Obama, or at least one wonders why no one ever pursued such a case.

What emoluments case against Trump? He’s been emolumating from day one, something spelled out in the Constitution. Was that even mentioned in the impeachment?

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WAAF News. 24 Hours of Trump Whining and Bloviating. The world is watching, but not really.

Is twitter going to ban him on 1/21?

They have been hinting at it.

Doubt Twitter wants to lose all those eyeballs and clicks. My hot take is they ban Trump once his tweet views and followers falls down to non-celebrity levels aka never.

I can see him being banned. The majority of his followers are bots or people mocking him.


What kind of horseshit headline is this?

Twitter can ban Trump whenever they want. They choose not to.

True but I think one reason is Trump has both his personal account and the POTUS one. If they ban his personal one, he’ll just spew his garbage on the POTUS one. They plan on transferring the POTUS one to Biden on 1/20.

Elections, how do they work again?

And lose millions of clicks? I highly doubt it.

Sure, but my point is that there doesn’t need to be a Twitter account for him to spew his garbage at all.

An “official POTUS Twitter account” is just something Twitter made up. It doesn’t need to exist.

this seems kinda insignificant, the lull is pretty small.