The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

You’re slacking. I only got this far before realizing this had to be the work of @SweetSummerChild.



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Honestly, assumed he already had it

Who could have seen this coming

Peoples brains are toast. There’s not going to be unity anytime soon.

Mark Anthony Aguirre, 63, was paid more than a quarter-million dollars by a Houston-based private citizens group investigating unsubstantiated 2020 election fraud claims, prosecutors said.

Aguirre told authorities he had conducted surveillance on the man driving the truck for four days,

He said he suspected there were 750,000 fraudulent ballots inside the truck and that the man was “the mastermind of a giant (voter) fraud,” the release states.

In fact, the victim was an “innocent and ordinary” air-conditioner repairman, prosecutors said.


At this point it’s our fault for not grifting.


“Innocent and Ordinary”: name of new Unstuck flair group or name of new Justin Bieber cover band?

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Assuming that herd immunity could be established among the young and healthy with acceptable casualties (a big “if”), I don’t think I’ve ever seen step two of the plan. How do you wall off the older, infirm, etc. from everyone else? In my experience, people who think two steps ahead are basically common. People who try to plan three steps ahead are smart. Four steps ahead is for geniuses. I don’t think Trump ever thinks more than one step ahead.

Incidentally, this is why conspiracies don’t work. They generally implicitly assume that people are thinking 6 steps ahead in a coordinated fashion.

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There was never an actual functioning plan. There was just a conclusion and a bunch of backfilled bullshit to justify that conclusion.


Seriously, what stable geniuses they are. Let’s infect all the kids and young adults, without thinking about who these kids live with. Brilliant.

Fired in 2002 for a baseless sting that arrested more than 200.

Seems like the only way it would work is if you had an aggressive monitoring testing program in the high risk segment of the population.

That’d be a good start. Definitely a necessary but not a sufficient condition.

Going for lolHerdImmunity and rapid vaccine development is absolute malarkey.

If you can never get a vaccine then I guess some type of herd is the goal. But if you think you can have a vaccine within a year then going for herd is fucking murder.

They are diametrically opposite objectives.


And absolutely complete isolation of the vulnerable population which is not USA#1.

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Gotta hand it to Trump. His quick thinking got an early vaccine developed in the UK, Canada, and elsewhere, even before the US.


i’m down to join either