The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces
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Oh sweet summer Fraulein, this is not what your head wounded fans want to hear from you.


Link to Rohrbacher is a disgusting pig:

When he moved out in August 2012, Rohrabacher left behind a shockingly horrific pigsty, a dump worse than a college fraternity house of unhygienic slobs unfamiliar with the most basic tools of cleaning. Darlene Whitsell, Polyniak’s longtime girlfriend, entered the home shortly after the congressman’s departure and wept at the scene.

Walls inexplicably contained odd holes, nail polish, wax and some smelly substance that may have been feces.

her bedroom contained a huge, mysterious, lubricant-like stain—something you might expect on the floor of a Hollywood sex club—that had seeped through thick carpet and padding to tarnish a hardwood floor.

Behind the scenes, there has also allegedly been a not-so-subtle threat from Rohrabacher’s camp that the 13-term congressman (who first ran for office in 1988 while championing the imperative of term limits) will use his political weight and personal relationship with Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas to prompt a criminal probe as another intimidation tactic against Polyniak and Whitsell.

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He’s made it the whole way through the Trump administration. He finished first in his class at West Point. He like Barr is a religious nutter. I think that pulls together a lot of the elements of the current Republican Party. He’s not as crazy as Trump, but he is one of the people I think of when people say they are afraid of a smarter Trump.

So did the voting machines change all the Trump votes to Biden?

After reading this I’m extra sad that he isn’t the one who died. Though I guess he will eventually and then I can be happy.

If these Russian linked people don’t want us to suspect foul play why don’t they have the foresight to die of something other than blunt force trauma like so many of Putin’s enemies.

don’t worry they’ll count as covid deaths


As disgusting of a human being POS that he is, he somehow handled the Hunter crap pre-election better than Comey did Hillary’s emails and I really have to wonder why that is?

Where’s Don Jr. on that list? Never mind. I don’t think I wanna know. Guarantee he’s higher than anyone but daddy

BTW, Pete Buttigieg’s dad translated Gramsci into english, so Pete probably grew up steeped in Marxist theory.

edit: Err, I was thinking of Gramsci, not Adorno in my reply above. I’ve had little exposure to Adorno, some essays on decadent culture–he was more of a general cultural critic. Don’t know if he was a marxist. Philosophy in germany in the 30s-50s was weird. Heidegger is shit.

According to wiki, “Amidst the vogue enjoyed by existentialism and positivism in early 20th-century Europe, Adorno advanced a dialectical conception of natural history that critiqued the twin temptations of ontology and empiricism through studies of Kierkegaard and Husserl.”

I read this as, didn’t say much that was relevant to anything. I can understand the ideas of 2500 year old Greeks better than the views of Germans from 80 years ago.

More good stuff from wiki:

As a writer of polemics in the tradition of Nietzsche and Karl Kraus, Adorno delivered scathing critiques of contemporary Western culture. Adorno’s posthumously published Aesthetic Theory , which he planned to dedicate to Samuel Beckett, is the culmination of a lifelong commitment to modern art which attempts to revoke the “fatal separation” of feeling and understanding long demanded by the history of philosophy and explode the privilege aesthetics accords to content over form and contemplation over immersion.

So, form and immersion instead of content and contemplation. Got it. (It was better in 1300, when they called it Neoplatonism.)

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My first thought

Shockingly, the “audit report” is a bunch of unsubstantiated assertions that don’t even make any sense. To get a tiny taste of how completely absurd it is, consider:


The “0.0008%” error rate obviously refers to ballots where votes are counted incorrectly. He then states “we observed an error rate of 68.05%” implying that this many ballots had results that were incorrect. Did they? Of course not. Even if his numbers are believed, the 68.05% refers to “events” in some “tabulation log”. An absurd comparison.

He says these errors results in ballots being sent to adjudication. But an event that flags a ballot for adjudication is not an “error”. So I have questions about what he’s even talking about here.

The whole report just raises questions but unfortunately it has a glean of polish and technical jargon that will fool a lot of people.

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I texted my kids today telling them that Trump signed an EO that gives me Christmas Eve off paid and asked if I owed him a thank you card. My son wrote back “Thanks. Now get the fuck out.”


He tripped.


Barr stepping down now could mean the incoming pardons are even more insane than predicted.