The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I think Trump will be dead or too senile by 2024 but would pay a lot to see a last man standing cage match with these participants.

I love how evenly distributed the list is, which will create years if intraparty conflict as they all pretend to kotow to Trump while shivving one another.

[shocked face]

Wonder if he can do this to the whole GOP over the next 4 years. A billion to Trump, scraps for the GOP. Don’t give the scorpion a ride on your back.


That’s an aggressive payout structure.

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He can legit do anything he wants to the GOP for the next 4 years. They’re his bitch. They absolutely want him to die more than us.

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Needs a Dr.

Kasich 2%? He’s the only sane one on there. More like 0.2%.

Sane Kasich, the anti-abortion union buster, is a Democrat now


I’ll take 78 year old Trump to be less senile / demented / whatever than our current 78 year old POTUS

Pompeo at 1%? Who the hell is his constituency? I can get my mind around the rest of those numbers, but him even being within a round-up of 1% is fucking weird to me.

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I’ll take Romney over Kasich if we have to have a Republican.


Pompeo is more likely than Romney, who has negative appeal to the base

Zero is no more likely than zero. Certainly Romney would be drawing dead. It’s also not at all difficult to see how there are a few lonely voices in the GOP wilderness who wish the party was still partial to a Romney type over what they’re actually partial to today, so him registering a nonzero poll number is absolutely what I would expect.


Read this as the congressman died at first, still curious


If Rohrbacher left him in a pool of his own blood, it would still be the second-nastiest condition he’s left a house in.

I guess third if we count the U.S. House.


Yeah, me, too. I was a bit excited at first.

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Severe head trauma after falling out of a window by any chance?


Funny anecdote, he was instrumental in setting up the tRUmp tower meeting between Jr and the Russians

Accidental blunt force trauma to the head, neck, and torso?