The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Putin’s on board with Biden. Ok Diaper Donny, now it’s officially over.
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Who wants to tell him about 2016?


Yes, I bet the voting machines were SO bad that either a) they got MORE THAN HALF the votes wrong, or b) were insanely easy to hack, but the hackers decided to just leave it obvious that they tampered with the votes.
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Putin is cleaning up loose ends? Who else might be on that list after head injury guy?

And what about America’s Great Mattresses? The Tag says DO NOT REMOVE, a crime. Much more to come!


Man, anybody else going to get to air their grievances or is Trump going to use all the available time?

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Of course it is not true and had already been dismissed by the courts. All the “hero” judge did was release the report to the public just like they frequently release info from court proceedings. The judge releasing the report doesn’t mean the judge found any validity to it. It’s completely bogus and the author is a lunatic and confirmed biased liar.

I guess your last sentence threw me off.
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This happens a lot to you or?

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He’s got to be pissed that his whole “voter fraud” gimmick is backfiring bigly. He’s been cultivating it for ever so long. Only thing he forgot was fabricating some kind of believable fraud evidence to match his claims. Anyway, he’s probably wondering why this plan is dying such a cruel death.


When you get away with making baseless accusations for 4 years you get a little lazy coming up with evidence. The last month of the campaign it seems like they decided to just say whatever sounded best for them like Trump bringing up the wall and that Mexico did pay for it.


There’s no doubt he confuses bullshit with evidence. In his mind, bullshit is evidence.


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Tell me again how Kemp is a favorite to win a republican primary in two years.


Any signs yet that the baby king is having a negative effect for Republicans in the GA runoff?

I mean kinda but its also working incredibly well. Something like 75% of republicans think he won and was cheated, he doesn’t take the hit of being a loser, good for his ego, and is basically king of the GOP. He might not be president, but the GOP will be working for him now.

He was never gonna face prosecution, but this adds and extra layer of protection. Imagine Trump announces his bid for 2024, a huge chunk of the country thinks he was cheated, and he’s arrested and jailed? As a candidate? Kind of like BLM probably added an extra layer of protection against them trying to steal this election due to the ensuing chaos, I think this kind does that for him. The backlash wouldn’t be worth it for people in power, especially if it massively drives up GOP turnout which it would. They LOVE victomhood.

He’s not smart enough to think of all that, and he’s just flailing, but overall its still working out wonderfully for him. Just the fact that he never has to face being a loser and doesn’t lose even a tiny amount of support is a massive victory.

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