The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

we already tried that once


using vaccine access as power over staffers in the last month before inauguration. noice!

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Dude blinks once.


Yes, Donnie Dumb Dumb is well known for his subtle and coded outreach to fringe groups.

But the Lord works in mysterious ways. QED.

You’re doing a good job arguing the seriousness of this with some of the schmucks on here, but ultimately this is the internet so people just want to post gifs because ITS SO HILARIOUS.

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( twitter | raw text )


Oh no! Less racism!

Most pathetic human to ever live.

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( twitter | raw text )

4,000 dead a day soon! Congrats USA!



I guess where I’m at is that these Proud Boy chuds are certainly committing acts of stochastic violence but so far it hasn’t really risen that much above the normal baseline level of dangerous right wing assholes doing violence. Ever since McVeigh and probably before we’ve had incel dipshits shooting up schools and bombing churches and whatnot.

I suppose the next few weeks will tell, but it isn’t looking like the MAGA cosplay dickheads are actually going to be an more of an existential threat to democracy than they typically are.


Make sure your profile is public before you going saying shit like that…

Remember when Pete Davidson had to apologize to this ■■■■

Fuck them


I realized something amidst the ‘destroy the GOP’ protests and the stories of Rubio getting primaried by Ivanka. Down ballot Republicans are getting totally played with this ‘stolen election’ thing.

Because bottom line, if you are a GOP senator, house rep, whatever, and you are committed to the ‘stolen election’ narrative, it requires an incredible amount of dedication to the lie to really sell the base. Like if you are a senator that believes your party was robbed of the election, shouldn’t you be out in the streets with these people? Doesn’t this become the fight of your political life? The base sees that these guys aren’t doing that and they are big mad about it.

Well the base doesn’t really believe it and they are totally ok with being part of the giant hypocrisy and lies. It’s why Republicans can elect rapists while Democrats need to resign for looking at a woman’s ass.


This dude is a drug addict.

Well yeah, I guess it’s an open question what % of the base is cynically going along with the narrative versus actually believes. The people that I saw interviewed at the rally this weekend definitely believed, and they were (rightfully?) mad that Republicans weren’t doing more about it.

Like, stealing the presidential election would be the biggest crime and scandal in the history of the country, and the it’s hard to underestimate what someone’s expectation would be for the behavior of their GOP senators and house reps in order to combat it.