The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Just seems drunk, right? Maybe my drug detecting radar is weak.

Drunk, high or whatever - Jr is really working on his speech cadence. He wants to run for sure.

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rumors out there trump will pardon assange

He’s pardoning all the people russia wants, shocked.

uhm, I do not remember this. Links or background please?

Also, where is he broadcasting from? It looks like some cheap roadside motel you’d run across in rural North Carolina.

Are there any convicted Russian spies he could pardon?

Yea I posted that last night. He blinks once in the entire video.


Georgia electors just voted 16-0 for Biden. Trump meltdown incoming.


Yeah I noticed a couple of times he tried to do some Trump speech cadence stuff. He’s nowhere near as good as his dad. Sad!


“You may be surprised to hear that he’s a congressional candidate from Texas and not a hitman in a porno movie,” Davidson joked. “I’m sorry. I know he lost his eye in war or whatever.”

And a followup from earlier this year:

I’ve been taking a break from this thread so I’m way behind, apologies if this has been covered…but this is pretty much exactly what we do when we lose isn’t it?

JFC. Comedian makes a joke about a politician and has to apologize because they’re getting death threats.

Meanwhile, trumpistans are out there plotting to KILL governors and shit, or waving their fucking guns around on state capitals every weekend and we’re just supposed to accept that as normal.

I’m really getting tired of the asymmetrical warfare that we’ve been engaged it.

I think Pete Davidson should have done a different aplogy:

“Last week I made a joke that may have been in poor taste about Dan Crenshaw. I’d just like to apologize now to Dan Crenshaw for him being a ■■■■■ as well as his supporters being bitch ass punks.”


Well no need to wonder how that Dr No Jill Biden op-Ed got published.

Banality has a name. It’s Paul Gigot.

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You misspelled Bigot


Crenshaw’s not the one who tried to make this a thing and said he wasn’t offended when it happened. Obviously SNL and NBC are gutless and refused to stand by their comedian.


Yes this 100% trying to get a national profile for Crenshaw. It’s either that or he wants a Disney world role at Pirates Of the Caribbean

Why not both?

He does not blink but its a short clip.


Props to him for knowing an obscure Greek philosopher enough to hate him.