The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Yup. Keep the bot.

On January 20th, someone can make a “The Post-Presidency of Donald J. Trump” thread.

Footage from a proud boys rally


I think people rightly dismiss the idea that these people can form the nucleus of a serious coup attempt with a non-zero chance of succeeding. There’s a great deal of relief after feeling that our democracy was going to collapse, so people are complacent about the next threat and expecting business as usual for buffoons. What does buffonish business as usual look like? A bunch of gun-waving rallies, airings of grievances, and occasional flair-ups like Ruby Ridge or the Bundy standoff combined with the usual violence that white people get away with.

I don’t think people are wise yet to the idea of a growing low-level insurgency on American soil over the next several years and what that might look like. A bunch of LARPing idiots are going to be radicalized when the inauguration comes around and none of their fantasies come through.

I look at what the Black Liberation Army was able to accomplish in the 1970s. A hijacked plane. Dozens of violent incidents. Over ten cops murdered. I think that disorganized white nationalists upset over the reality of Trump’s loss can do significantly more damage than that.

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Thanks. This is a relief. I’d still feel better if Republicans were drawing completely dead with zero outs tho

Clip never gets old

Losing, or having his Twitter (and hopefully) FB accounts being more restricted should diminish his ability to dog whistle and message a great deal. But I agree. Trumpism isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and the Dems will almost certainly open the door for an even worse monster in 2024

Dems could do everything right and the door will still be open for an even worse monster in 2024 who won’t be drawing dead to win.

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Can you imagine if he gets the vaccine early and then dies a few days later?

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I don’t know about this and I’m glad that we probably don’t have to find out.

If you’re talking about Trump and the presidency after midday on January 20, he is drawing dead with zero outs. Trump himself just may not know it yet.

Republicans, however, are extremely live and are currently massive favorites for the future.

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He is likely talking about the FDA approval process, which normally takes many years. He has got it in his head that if wasn’t for him, FDA would never have thought to fast track this in the middle of a global pandemic.


I mean, Mittens voted to impeach the motherfucker less than a year ago and he’s been quite outspoken about the election bullshit, so that’s 49 against. You really dont’ think there are two more out of the remaining group? It’s academic anyway, it takes both houses.

Meanwhile it’s fuckign ludicrous that he didn’t order more doses upfront when he had the chance. What was it, a couple billion dollars? Weighed against literally tens of thousands of lives? Maybe hundreds of thousands? Jesus Christ. To say nothing of the fact that the faster economic improvement as a result of quicker vaccination would have paid for itself ten-fold anyway.

Let’s say Sam and Clarence say, “Yo Mitt, we’ll step down if Trump is Pres and then he can nominate not just one, but two brand-spanking new ACBs in 2027. What do you think?”

I could see Mitt doing it.

I mean, there are two main problems with this theory. First, it assumes that there are senators that senators like Mittens act so irrationally that they vote for something like that even though it almost certainly leads to the country burning, and two, it flies in the face of everything he’s done so far.

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Granted, we’re solidly in wildly hypothetical territory, but Mitt is a pretty huge fan of a conservative court. He might convince himself that the country won’t burn. Maybe 20% chance he does it? I glad to not have to fade that.

If any of this nonsense was going to happen it would have already when the supreme court told him to fuck off 9-0.

Screw that. Shoot the ‘Rona straight into their veins.
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