The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

A smarter Trump would’ve secured dictatorship already. The next Trump-like person the system bubbles up will succeed

But because Trump is so amazingly inept, his over exaggeration of lies has always worked for him. If I keep on repeating how I live in a 20 room mansion with 5 servants, I could probably at get you to accept that I at least own a 3 bedroom house with a 2 car garage and don’t live under a bridge. The fact is, if you gotta lie, going big works

I haven’t been keeping up with this thread or much news lately. I have several friends who (correctly) told me I was nuts for doubting thinking it was possible that the lower courts and SCOTUS would break in Trump’s favor in this new world of nothing matters. Fortunately, they were right on both counts

But I still feel there are two more hurdles: Tomorrow’s slate of electors going rogue and then the Jan 6th approval by (congress?) that’s necessary to finalize this election

Who presides over the approval on Jan 6th? While I’m grateful that our courts held even with Republican justices appointed by Trump himself, I have zero faith in any Republican politician doing the right thing. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? If it’s discussed in detail upthread, I scroll
though and read it

You want us to take these fuckers seriously? Hell no. Even when they are literally killing people in the streets they will deserve nothing be derision and insults. These pathetic cosplayers only get legitimacy if you give it to them. The president decided to, I’m not giving these polo shirt, tiki torch carrying motherfucking scotch tape kilt wearing assholes any respect at all.


The VP as president of the Senate presides, but the two houses run the business:

but the two Houses concurrently may reject the vote or votes when they agree that such vote or votes have not been so regularly given by electors whose appointment has been so certified.

The whole thing reads very convolutedly



FFS don’t threaten me with a good time, block me already.

Look again

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I don’t see how the violence is being downplayed.

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Just wanted to claim victory again to tell all the people who wanted to ban the bot after he lost. I told ya’ll his whining would be glorious and pathetic. It will be great for at least another 6 months, probably longer. Just pure patheticness


He’s saying the threat is being downplayed.

By painting them all as buffoons, nobody is going to be prepared for the actual danger they represent.

Who was preparing for them before?

The danger of underestimating the threat lies in painting this as a handful of buffoons rather than an army of buffoons.

But I’m all for calling a buffoon a buffoon and trolling the hidden buffoons into being outraged and revealing themselves.

The buffoons inclined toward violence are in fact a handful.

Electors are party insiders who are picked because they are party insiders and extremely loyal. Hillary Clinton for example is an elector from NY. While there is certainly a history of the occasional few electors casting meaningless protest votes for some random other candidate, the idea that a bunch of democratic party loyalists are going to suddenly break bad and vote for Trump is less likely then the courts breaking for Trump, AINEC. The congress shenanigans won’t work simply because Republicans don’t have enough of congress. They need both houses, and they don’t even have the senate by enough given that people like Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, etc sure as shit aren’t voting to burn the country to the ground to install fuhrer trump whatever else you might think about them.



I can’t make the text disappear, but fuck it

Matty is on a roll lately


I don’t see the hotness in that take. Pretty lukewarm tbh.

Someone must have told him that if no one anywhere ever bothered to make a vaccine then “natural” herd immunity would be attained in 5 years. Therefore any vaccine implies that Trump personally deserves credit for delivering a vaccine 5 years ahead of schedule.

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I propose scamming the scammers by giving placebo shots to White House staff.

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