The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Actually they dont have it that easy. The cost for getting insurance which you need as a midwive have gone up tremendous. The problem isnt that there a lot of incidents but if there is one its going to be expensive if an insurance has to pay for ruined life.

And its not idiotic. The relationship between a mother and a midwife is a special one. Doctors dont have that much time to answer all the questions or give advice in certain cases. So the midwifes gain a lot of trust with the mothers. Honestly I doubt guys who will never get childs will understand the bond and shouldnt make a judgement.

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I’ve never heard of birth houses here, but most of the midwives I know of are the ones that do the home births (which are quite popular where I live). In those cases it’s pretty standard to have a solid plan on hospital back up if things don’t go as expected.

There is absolutely nothing inherently precluding a doctor from spending more time or bonding with a patient. They might be busier, and they often are, but they don’t have to be. There are plenty of docs who just willingly choose to see fewer patients (and make much less money) just so they can do this.

There is also nothing inherent about a midwife that makes them more empathetic. Moreover, if the mother wants a midwife, I would have absolutely no objection to that. That’s great. I’d even be ok if the law was that a midwife must be offered (you could even go farther and make sure moms get information on benefits of midwives). But if the mom and the doctor really don’t feel that they want or need one for any reason, then mandating it just seems like a dumb rule.

Would you feel better if it was someone with a master’s in midwifery instead of just a bachelor’s?

No that would still be superfluous as the Ob/Gyn would still be able to do everything that person could do.

This is not an accurate description of why physicians practice the way they do.

My aunt did exactly this for the reason I stated. I guess I’m just imagining her.

Babies are allowed to deliver doctors all on their own?


Well, I’m glad we’ve decided that 'Merica’s health care system is the one true way to deliver babies.

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A very select few can do this, but the reality is that there are a lot less doctors per patient than there are nurses/midwives/etc.

A doctor’s time is limited, so it is cheaper and more efficient to have doctor’s concentrate on things that only doctor’s can do and delegating as many tasks as possible to qualified individuals.

We need more reliance on midwives, nurse-practitioners, and other non-doctors.

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Sort of. Obviously this is highly dependent on location and specialty. I suppose we could have a derail on this but I think in a lot of disciplines the problem is not so much a shortage as a maldistribution. Lots of docs find the same particular places desirable and other places undesirable. So they concentrate themselves and create shortages in other places. But we’re getting off topic.

As to your other claim (doctors/patient), just some quick googling reveals that, in the US, there are more OB/GYNs than midwives. I literally spent 30 seconds, so if I messed this up let me know.

Why do you think I would disagree with any of this?


this guy from the video is un-ironically wearing a trmp trshirt fashioned after a famous crime family. in an election he’s trying to litigate back from the winner, who he accuses of crime.


Don’t worry

Trump said he would make the best deal ever with UK after Brexit

I’m sure it’s next up on his list of things to do

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I think it would be awesome if someone pretended to be a Trumpkin and went after this guy with something like “So, what are you saying? The Trumps are a crime family? WTF, man?
The Bidens are the fucking crime family. The Trumps are patriots and as pure as the driven snow. Take off the fucking shirt.”

Then a fight ensues and bunches of Trumptards beat the shit out of each other. That would be great. Our dude who incited the whole thing gets out unscathed.


This is not a sort of situation. There might be a few more obscure specialties were that might be true, but its not true in a general sense whatsoever at least in the states and the people I’ve talked to in England/Australia.

Midwives are not as common is the us, but there are a lot more ob specific nurses than obgyn physicians who kind of step into that role. On any given OBGYN floor, there’s going to be 4 to 10 nurses per physician.

NH has 400 state reps (not kidding) who get paid $200 per term lol. The odds are good (bad?) some are going to be terrible people.

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400?! That’s 1 rep per ~3.4k people. Critical NH bizness happening up there obv.