The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Just another guy dreaming of a White Christmas hanging out with the Pres, what’s the big deal?


Lol that reminds me of the scene on top of the building in Independence Day right before the aliens blow it up.


When did this happen?

Trump endorsed Tommy, not Sessions

And Moore won the primary when Sessions became AG so Sessions wasn’t in that race.

Sessions never lost with Trump’s endorsement.

He’s mixing Sessions up with Luther Strange.


When did the markets get to 97% Trump win?

I missed that?

Too soon


Yeah Cage is 100% best choice to play Roger Stone in any movie/biopic

It’s not the first thing on the list, and it’s not the last. You get there, but after you get the contacts that you need, after the funeral/memorial service, after the cremation, after saying goodbye to them in the hospital (or NEW! with Skype Sendoff™). Before sending old photos to their kids, throwing away stuff from their closet, and wiping their computer.

Does Mads Mikkelsen do something weird to his eyes in every movie?

The White House is running tours??? JFC.

Has for decades I think.

During Covid?

No idea. I guess if museums are open it’s the same idea. Dumb still.

Gynecologists are present in the maternity ward and do c-sections for example. I think it is just artifact of midwifes being an older profession and staking their claim through whatever institutions are in charge of reimbursing hospitals for medical procedures.

I just researched the law on this and it says doctors need to make sure that a midwife is present, so it seems they are allowed to perform births if no midwife is currently on staff/ available:

Also likely if there’s one of many possible complications of vaginal birth. I highly doubt midwives are dealing with shoulder dystocia, vacuum assists, episiotomies and etc.

Lots of midwives in the USA, and many hospitals rely on obgyn nurses to be ready to handle a precipitous delivery. Kinda like I said before, not a lot of training is needed for a simple delivery. It’s the ones that go sideways that are hard. They’re HALO events that have two lives on the line with a huge time crunch preventing help getting to you. It’s a hard ass job.

I maintain that this is idiotic. There should literally be nothing a midwife can do that an obstetrician/gynecologist cannot do. Looks like whatever union is looking out for midwives in Deutschland is pretty strong.

This is similar in Germany. Both of our children were born by emergency c-section because they were entering the birth canal with their heads facing the wrong way. In my daughters case the gynecologist said she needed an emergency c-section, with my son the midwife and doctor recommended it early as they thought he would develop the same complications.

If a woman gives birth in a hospital you would most likely not notice this rule at all, but midwives run „birth houses“ in most medium and major cities that do not have doctors on staff. In case of complications an ambulance will take the woman to a hospital. A colleague of mine did this for both of her children.