The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces


Lol, that a Shop job? Or is it real and he thinks that’s like Latin or something? Like “sic semper tyrannis,” “credulous boomer rube.” Bet that guy rocks out to Rage Against the Machine.

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It’s pretty fitting for a doctor of education who wrote her dissertation on meeting community college students’ needs to push for free community college as First Lady.

( twitter | raw text )

Fun fact: in Germany doctors are not allowed to deliver babies without a midwife present. The other way around is fine.

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This is incredible. It’s hilarious. It’s sad. It’s terrifying. All at once. Every one of these fuckers would have gladly drank the koolaid that Jim Jones handed them while firing on the reporters and congresspeople fleeing. We are witnessing the largest death cult ever trying to deal with massive cognitive dissonance.


He never said “solo”, so you’re good.

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( twitter | raw text )

This seems dumber than that tweet. What added value does a midwife have if there is an obstetrician already there?

Obstetrics is not a specialist medical field in Germany. There are only gynecologists in hospitals/ maternity wards.

In the US they’re just combined. They are obstetricians/gynecologists. They must be trained to do both. Once they are licensed, they can choose to limit their practice in such a way that it doesn’t actually involve delivering babies. So every gynecologist in the US has had extensive experience delivering babies. Some may choose not to use it or do it when they are in practice.

So are you saying that the gynecologists are not trained extensively in the baby delivering process? That’s insane. Someone needs to do that. There are tons of complications that can arise that a midwife is simply not trained enough to handle (at least the midwifes in USA#47).

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Fwiw midwife is totally standard in uk too. Doctors present on the ward but just in case of complication mainly.

Also using the title is fine imo. Predates it’s use by medicine anyway. WSJ columnist going out of his way to be a mysoginist dickhead? Totally standard.

Why is she using a dead persons phone?


Yeah, that seems fine. But if I read GermanGuy’s post correctly, in Germany, midwives can deliver a baby without a doctor present. Even that doesn’t seem that crazy, as it’s probably fine for many uncomplicated pregnancies.

The crazy part is that a doctor can’t deliver the baby if there is no midwife present. Is that a thing in the UK also?

Ha technically it’s within my scope of practice but it’s something I’m deeply uncomfortable with

Yeah, who doesn’t cancel the plan of dead relatives?

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Have a super hard time believing that delivering babies aren’t part of gyn training

Idk. I presume the people with relevant training do the thing. Germany has a lower infant mortality rate than we do so I’m assuming whatever they’re doing it’s fine.

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