The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

My daughter’s elementary schools principal raises funds every year from the community to eliminate the need for any student to purchase any school supplies. Everything is provided, paper, pencils, folders, scissors… Everything.

We live near downtown and the school serves that population so has a lot of homeless students. The principal is very much about equity for his students.

It’s also a really great school with lots of parental involvement.


So it’s going to be four years of “the election was stolen, this administration is illegitimate”. The fuckers LOVE having an axe to grind like this, it’s Benghazi and the Ukrainian server on steroids.


“Trump got PLAYED by Mitch on Judges” – that should be the message that we magically make viral in the derpasphere

Or “Trump got BETRAYED by Mitch on Judges”?? Not sure which works better long term.


The one piece of good news is that after Jan 20th, other than MSM, he won’t have as much social media to promulgate his nonsense. Does he start his own TV network? Or get another show? Not sure. Hopefully, he’s too busy trying to stave off creditors and staying out of jail

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That’s why this talk of “healing” and not going after Trump and associates is absolutely completely stupid. We need to go after them hard and if any solid evidence of treasonous behavior is found then people need to pay the price.


A smarter Trump would be making the following points:

  1. Overwhelming evidence of widespread election irregularities in many states
  2. Evidence was never fully investigated or adjudicated in courts (no courage, deep-state RINOs, etc.)
  3. We will never know the true results of the 2020 election
  4. Joe Biden will be an illegitimate president and must be resisted by all possible means
  5. Need to fix future elections by eliminating main-in ballots and requiring Voter ID
  6. See you in 2024!

But instead of #3, he jumps directly not just to “I won” but all the way to “I won in a landslide”. This is itself strong evidence that he doesn’t really believe his own bullshit.


I mean Trump has no interest in the job. He’s just worried NY will go after him once he’s out of office. So it’s not a surprise he’s half-assing this.

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Maybe. But SCOTUS nomination is not something that sneaks up on you.

With Gorsuch, Mitch was probably talking to Trump before Trump got into office
With Kav, they probably had an idea that Kennedy was going to step down at least a couple of weeks before it happened.
With RBG, it seems like many knew she was on death’s door.

So in all cases, Mitch will have plenty of opportunity to get Trump where he needs to be before Trump has a chance to go off script. Trump isn’t going to ask Mitch. Mitch is going to Trump ASAP to make sure he doesn’t fuck it up somehow.

Apparently JFK Jr., a man born into a family worth billions, decided to become a hobo.


Can anyone think of a stupider political movement that QAnon? Ever?

In other news, apparently I am not paying enough attention. I seriously thought this was a photograph.


Now is not the time to shit on Mitch:

Loeffler and Purdue voted these judges into office. They betrayed TRUMP and helped steal this election.






No one really needs to introduce themselves as doctor unless it is in a professional setting where it is relevant. I might give actual medical doctors a bit of leeway on that, but only the tiniest amount.

So, I think she should drop the “Dr.” too, but how he gets there is idiotic. Pretty much everyone should drop it.


That might be true if it had anything to do with her doctorate.

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lol @ “Unpromising title.” Also, “Kiddo?” This dude is maaaaaaaaad.

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I have never delivered a baby solo, not a real doctor I guess.

Also, fwiw, delivering a baby is very little work vast majority of the time. It’s when it’s complicated that it gets hard.

So dumb.

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Meh, in academia its standard. I hate it in industry so I generally fall in the camp of just doing away with the title, But I do like her using it in the First Lady role. Not sure exactly why, maybe as a contrast to “I don’t care”

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Also, Jill Biden isn’t forcing anyone to call her Dr. Biden last I checked? This seems like a discussion he should be having with the WSJ’s copy editors.

One of the history of disease books I’ve read doubles as a history of medicine.

Doctors and specifically men delivering babies is a late 19th and 20th century invention.