The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

You say it’s not a sort of situation and in the very next sentence you mention exceptions. That’s kind of what “sort of” is all about. I think we can nit about what “obscure specialties” are, but I’m sure that what you say is probably true for things like primary care and ob/gyn. I also think that better distribution would alleviate (but maybe not eliminate) quite a few shortages.

I was just referring to the US. I’ll take your word for whatever may be happening in UK and Australia.

I’m sure this is true, but it’s irrelevant to the discussion.

Paging a midwife to deliver this somewhere else.


Grunching. On the one hand this is great. On the other hand, its in “heartwarming tale of single mom who raises 200k for cancer treatment” territory

not surprising at all honestly. The Overton window has basically shifted so far to the right that foxnews is now mainstream media, OANN/Breitbart/Newsmax are now holding the foxnews niche, and stormfront is just the new breitbart.


So if you’re FOX, what do you try to do? It seems like right now they’re in no man’s land. I guess they could veer left and try to pull in the “moderates”, or they could turn hard right and crush OANN and Newsmax. I suspect they will do the latter, but it seems that not everyone there has the stomach for it (most do).

The Trump tweets are especially jarring if you take a day or two off them read them all at once. We are boiled frogs.


The academy was looking for an abortion joke, but will accept this.


In Japanese, the word for teacher, sensei, is also used for doctors (as well as attorneys and well-established artists/authors).


Imagine a world where some 3rd world leader lost an election and then claimed the results were fraudulent and then rallied his armed thugs to the streets. What would we call that? Because that is our current reality.

Instead of MAGA we have become what we have always looked down upon and the side that looked down upon it most got right in line.

No idea what the end result of that is but it isn’t good.


Yes, without you the FDA would have waited 5 years after Canada, UK, etc approved the vaccines before approving them.

Thank you for your hard work!


Nobody remembers 2000 itt. We’ve known the banana republicans have run the party for 20 years man.

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Totally normal proud boys. “The center of the ice cream sandwich gets ate first.” Illiterate nazis.


What the hell does that even mean?


I’d say it means he got dropped on his head at some point in his life. He thought it was funny/witty enough to keep repeating too lol.


This derail should be spun off into a thread but:

I think the disconnect here is that you’re seeing a midwife as someone who primarily helps deliver babies, whereas ideally the same midwife sees a woman throughout her pregnancy, providing services, advice, support and so on, leading to a continuity of care going into the delivery. This provides the woman with an established relationship which helps her feel secure when giving birth. Doctors can’t do this because they’re not trained to provide that sort of service and even if they were, it’s a misallocation of scarce resources.

You know how some white supremacists wrap their racism is subtle and sophisticated pseudo-intellectualism?

This is the the opposite of that.


WAT? My wife’s OB saw her for every prenatal visit and delivered both babies. She was extremely supportive throughout the whole process. She also provided all of her gynecologic care for years before the pregnancy, so the relationship would have been much more established than it could have been with a midwife.

There was a possibility that someone else could have done the delivery, but one of the reasons we picked that practice is because they tried hard to avoid that.


Well OK, maybe in the USA they are trained to do that, but that’s exactly the sort of misallocation of doctor resources NotBruceZ is talking about, so I’m not following why you’re talking about a doctor doing that like it’s a good thing and then wondering why we think you disagree that doctors shouldn’t be doing this.

I’ve tried to be clear about this, but I’ll try again.

I’ve got nothing against midwives. They’re great and serve an important role. Anyone who wants one should have one.

What I think is ridiculous is an actual law that states that a qualified doctor cannot deliver a baby unless a midwife is present. That is completely unnecessary.