The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces
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Isn’t that going to be someone else’s decision?

I don’t think this is right either. However, for the issue to even be litigated he would have to be federally indicted. If that happens, the case would probably get before the Supreme Court pretty quickly on the issue of the self-pardon.

Even GOP nut jobs (of the federalist society vein) understand why it is not good to have presidents who are literally above the law, especially in the case of Trump, who is now clearly of more use to the party dead than alive.

It passed the Senate with a veto proof majority so this is the hollowest of threats.

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I thought they all left town to not have to give out a stimulus package?
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I was mostly being facetious to setup a joke (Look Ma, all 5 vowels).

If he does do it then I think DOJ has a constitutional obligation to test the waters. That precedent can’t stand.

Lol at the Project Veritas CNN stuff. So far the shocking news is that CNN execs said:

  • “Trump is acting erratically…I think we need to lean into that…’”

  • “I think it’s unavoidable that you have to talk about the naked racism of Tucker Carlson…Sort of the “White Supremacy Hour” they have on Fox News every night…”

  • CNN noted that one reason it is important for Trump to allow the transition is that the 9-11 report talked about how the shortened Clinton-Bush transition caused problems. And Zucker stated that “I would encourage folks to think about that 9-11 commission report and the lack of transition.”

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On all but the most blatant of bribes, yes. Like, they would have to catch the guy asking for the bribe handing Trump a bag of money that was labeled “presidential pardon bribe cash” and then they might think that was clear enough evidence.


Lol. Also, imagine being so fucking mentally gone that you’re like, “I GOTTA listen to this corporate meeting at this company that doesn’t pay me and that I don’t work at!”

Absolute fucking losers.
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I think it might still stand. Like if someone was pardoned, released from prison, and then it was shown that they got the pardon through bribery, would they go back to prison? Dunno.

If we’ve learned anything about interpreting Trumpese, this tweet says Trump is holding the bag.

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Sweet Jesus the Riverman curse.

Alito and Thomas are gleefully anointing Trump king. That’s PROBABLY all he can muster though.

Which, if any of the conservative justices rule in favor of a Trump self-pardon, even if it’s the dissent?

(Multiple vote, private pole)

  • Thomas
  • Alito
  • Kavanaugh
  • Gorsuch
  • Barrett

0 voters

yes, only True Patriot News Outlets like, uh, CBS are reporting this stuff.

A lot of 5-letter words fit pretty good in there like “Gates” and “Jones”.

Also a pretty good fit:


John Rigas (and and at least one son) were convicted in the Adelphia accounting scandal and spent years in prison. On one hand, John Rigas is like 95 years old now. On the other hand, he has petitioned for clemency before.

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If someone donated bigly to Trump’s campaign and Trump pardoned him or his son or whatever that doesn’t even come close to bribery, right?