The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I forgot I made this a while ago and have been waiting for the right time to break it out.




Of course they’ve kept it very quiet that they have surrendered.

First suggestion:

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I would bet the target is a nobody who wants a pardon, rather than a somebody willing to give him one. The WH person may have gone straight to the FBI.

Collins makes a ton of sense. Think I have him as a fave against the field.

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Rick Gates. But seems like his case is already decided and he’s moving on. Collins is a better guess.

Man you guys are fast, I was coming in hot and heavy with Gates and Collins like a boss lol

Gates also cooperated heavily with prosecutors in their efforts against the rest of Trumpworld, which is why he got such a light sentence in the first place. No chance in hell Trump would consider him for a pardon and he would know it. Collins was the first sitting Congressman who endorsed Trump in 2016 and has been a loyalist ever since.

Gates fits the size too, but I think it’s Bill. Trying to get clemency for the 5G plague.

Who else would have the cash to bribe a billionaire but another billionaire?


Collins makes the most sense. Probably his first call (wasn’t he the one dealing on the phone while at the White House ?)

But what’s to stop the supreme court from saying republican presidents can pardon themselves?

Given the font size I doubt Collins is short enough to fit behind the black box.

Looks like a name with 5 letters. The word behalf is to the left and looks longer than the redacted name. Nunes comes to mind.


Who has done many crimes, is desperate for a pardon, and has experience bungling plans related to the White House? Hillary Clinton. LOCK HER UP!

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You’d think by now the DoJ would find a way to obfuscate how long the name is when they release redacted stuff like this. Someone’s gonna get whacked one of these days because of this.

Lev Parnas

Duncan Hunter?

JFC there are so many fucking criminals in the GOP this is harder than it should be.


Edit: timing should narrow it down

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Honest question. Why do you care who it is?

It’s all of them. They are all getting pardons. I’m guessing hundreds will be issued. One is but a grain of sand in the ocean.


Hmmm. That’s a good point.

Nunes hasn’t “surrendered to the Bureau of Prisons” at any point though.