( twitter | raw text )
Wait, that actually is true. The axes of truth and lies meet at infinity.
Should we feel bad when it happens?
Christ that thread he retweeted is amazing, some of it is not lies and just “wow can you believe trump won way more counties and yet lost the vote count?”. Others are lies like “record numbers of dead people voted”
When Trump pardons himself it will be for any and all possible or unpossible offenses.
The pardon absolves Flynn from “any possible future perjury or contempt charge in connection with General Flynn’s sworn statements and any other possible future charge that this Court or the court-appointed amicus has suggested might somehow keep this criminal case alive over the government’s objection,” the Justice Department wrote.
I suppose the intent is to show that the pardon makes the case moot? Perhaps worried the pardon could compel Flynn to give testimony, so best to make sure the case is dismissed so such a catastrophic opportunity never manifests?
He better include his steak preferences on the list of crimes
Trump’s signature tilts me so hard.
That’s never bothered me.
What does tilt me are the random capitalizations and other grammatical nonsense in his tweets.
Like this:
Why the fuck is “stuff” in quotes like that?
He can’t even sign his own name. Look at this garbage.
Auald SunnyA
Gualdo Sunnyd
It is precisely the signature he has to have. Anything else would seem fake.
I can’t remember who did the kkk white hood drawing with his signature but that was great.
I truly can’t even imagine what the next level of crazy is from the GOP. How do they top going full QAnon?
Remember when Sarah Palin and the Tea Party were the craziest Republicans? Man those were good times.