The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

ROFL I’ve really been wondering what Diamond and Silk thought about all this!

Literally reads the definition of voter fraud and then says “if any of these things happened, that’s voter fraud!”

Followed by a bunch of bullshit under the guise of “just asking questions”

Followed by “lower court judges don’t matter, this is going to have to go to the US Supreme Court!”

OMG I’m crying, whenever one is talking, the other one can’t help but interject with vigorous hype:

“If hundreds of affidavits (“uh-huh!”) is not enough evidence (“right!”), how about you bring in the millions of ballots, and let’s view the ballots (“That’s right!”), and let’s just see which ones are real (“uh-huh!”), and which ones are fake!”

JFC it’s seriously like an SNL sketch.


“The Trump Organization is an incredible company with tremendous cash flow. We have never been stronger,” the company told the Journal.

Lolllllll yeah okay

I disagree. The further we get away from 1/20/21, the more and more the GOP will distance itself from Trump. We saw it with W.

Trump is never dying broke. I know that. But he ain’t gonna be front and center in the news like he has been in the past 5 years.

Yea and millions of conservatives believe that’s how black people speak.

You just need grifters who will try to make money off Trump setting up a rally.

except the GOP voting base is rapidly all turning into him*, the bush style GOP is mostly done

*okay not turning into but the amplifying part

If Purdue and Loeffler sweep the runoff, how much will that deflate trumps balloon?

My theory for his future is he buys OANN for $1 and does a talk show similar to existing cable news primetime except he has a studio audience. Doesn’t have to travel, probably more money than charging admission. Only question is whether he can pry himself from the TV for 3 hours 100-150 times a year.

Someone needs to do this with Trump’s face.

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They won’t get their fix if Trump isn’t front and center 24/7. It’s gonna take time, no doubt. But a year from now he’ll be an old man screaming into the void. Even Manson’s followers turned on him.

I mean look at the big picture. Even Fox has said he lost the election. None of this will happen overnight. It will take time.

Put me in the camp that he turns into a clown show loser, but there is also a non trivial chance he runs in 2024 and wins. One reason I doubt he will retain his position within the party is he’s too damn lazy. Zero chance he sets foot in Nebraska and Oklahoma and other similar places. Hell, even showing up to do a 2+ hour daily radio show is absolutely out of the question. He’s too damn lazy.


trump’s supposed to be rallying next week in Georgia

The fact Fox is moving on is the start. Lol Olds ain’t never changing that station or going on Parler. Its the younger Trumpkins doing that.

Do former presidents get all the best healthcare?

This is like when the IRS demanded I account for some 1099 income I never paid taxes on, and ended up owing me $600.


This is incredible.

A few years back I got a letter from the IRS demanding I prove I spent my HSA money on actual medical care like 2+ years prior. I had paid medical bills with a debit card tied to my HSA, but it was annoying to track down and the penalty was a few hundred dollars so I just paid. Fuck you IRS, every hour spent auditing rich people makes the government like $3,000, but sure, spend your time on me. And of course everyone that this happens to comes away hating the IRS, maybe that’s the point.