The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces


I’m net positive in my IRS money due letters. My parents gifted stock to my kids for school. My SS number was attached since they received as minors. But we always declared on the kids returns where they paid little if any tax when they stock was sold for college expenses.

Literally coming after me for capital gains on $5,000 stock gains. Peanuts. My letters back were along the lines of

Dear Jagwads

There is a second fucking SS# associates with that stock sale. Why don’t you pull your thumb out of your ass and see if the sale was claimed there?

Ok maybe the language was a little more professional than that.

Twice while I was going through things I found other stuff in my favor and filed corrections (having had a pro do my taxes the last 10 years I’ve learned the canned computer programs are shitty, or lay least nowhere as good as a good accountant).

My net is something like $200-$300. But damn it’s upsetting getting those letters. They automatically just classify it all as regular income and added penalties and fees. Often looking for like $3,000. I wonder how many people just pay.

I remember seeing this the first time, but this reasoning is insufficient.

If you spend a certain amount of money to audit X poor people, then that same amount of money will allow you to audit Y rich people.

We need to know what X and Y are before we can make a decision (as well as average amount recovered from each). Just saying that auditing rich people costs more isn’t sufficient justification.

Yeah, I understand that the current administration couldn’t care less about actually getting more revenue and just want to make it easier on the donor class. But some needs to be pressing more on this.

I am putting full bets that this lady will keep Donny well occupied through 2024.

My wife is also has high hopes for what she can do to Florida Man. I was starting to wonder if she was the SweetSummerChild gimmick.

Despite her best efforts, Florida man will escape consequences.


You have to call the narrator for that kind of negative thinking.

I wonder as he flails if his access to competent lawyers will be like it is now-nonexistent. He doesn’t have a case and he stiffs lawyers. Plus she will be willing to use leverage on lots in his orbit that won’t be able to appeal every little thing and will save their own necks.

She might not get him by 2024 or maybe ever but he will be playing defense for a good long time.

It may be negative, but it’s generally spot on. That’s why he’s the narrator.

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So I again decided to look at “trending topics” and find “Act 77” and this fantasy



He’ll watch cable news and tweet about it, tweet that he won, then go golf.

So basically the same as now.

They don’t need to go on Parler, they already have Facebook for their conspiracy theories

I do think the focus will turn to how bad Biden and Dems (socialists!) are instead of being the trump show, which will kill him inside.

we all think it would be easy to just grift like he does and have enough, but not for trmp. clearly he hasn’t been able to convert that celebrity into an amount that would be comparable to his lifestyle of blowing hundreds of millions in terrible real estate decisions and getting embezzled by the bannons and parscales in his entourage.

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The trump will face repercussions line is so bizarre in light of what we know about the US. Realistically, it has to be something like a 1-2% chance he ever faces any repercussion, federal or state.


He might face a couple of tough questions during his 2024 reelection bid. Oh, and many many stern letters of condemnation.

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this needs much more hate. beyond wtf

For those that can’t read WaPo story on the behind the scenes machinations of the legal fight

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From afar Trump looks like a busted flush; a novelty act that surprised itself with its appeal in 2016-20 but which will look somewhat old hat come 2024.

My guess is he has some chances against some Dem candidates in '24, but less than other charismatic populists would have.
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