The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I think he’ll try charging for rallies too. His action may dry up fast when that happens. I really can’t understand the lure of the rallies anyway. He’s not funny. Its the same tired grievances over and over. Its like being lectured for two hours by the drunk guy who pins you in a corner at a house party and goes on an unhinged monologue while you keep nodding and saying “uh-huh, uh-huh”. But its a cult. Gotta remember that I guess.


I don’t think it’ll dry up. People already go thorugh a lot of hardship to attend a trump rally and i’m sure they pay for some transportation expenses, you really think they wouldn’t pony up ten or twenty bucks a head?


$10 or $20 maybe, but that don’t pay the rent at a Trump hotel. Plus he won’t be President and may not even be a candidate. I will admit though that I’m a little too optimistic about his shtick wearing thin. It hasn’t over the past five years, has it? Yeah. Who knows?

Lol the court really told them to fuck off. Dismissed with prejudice on the ground of laches, that if they wanted to challenge the constitutionality of mail-in-voting they should have done it, you know, before the fucking election since they’ve had a year.


Trump is more popular now than ever before. 70 some odd million people voted for him despite his actively attempting to kill them.

He could start a gofundme every single day and clip the deplorables for endless millions.


He will be a “candidate” for the rest of his life is my guess.


Also this. If he’s prosecuted for anything he’s going to overnight raise like a hundred million for his “legal defense fund.” Only 10 million of that will actually go to his lawyers and the remaining 90 million will go to the cost of accomodation of his lawyers all of whom are coincidentally staying at Trump Hotels.


A shadowy group trying to buy military secrets from Trump is basically an SNL skit that writes itself. The man’s brain contains zero factually valuable knowledge. Not a bit.

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You forgot to switch to the @SweetSummerChild account

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But those grievances are what those people crave. The whole worldview is that they were next in line for economic prosperity until the Blacks and the gays and the Mexicans and whoever cut in line and demanded it before they could get it, and the liberals and the news media and college professors and whoever helped that all happen. Trump is the only one who really indulges that.


How does Trump do profitable rallies at $10/head? Won’t facility owners want cash up front? Even Republican municipalities won’t want to subsidize the security costs for a has-been loser. No Air Force One, no jet fly-overs, no helicopter entrances, no Secrect Service caravan arrival. His greatest hits will get old. Ok, maybe he can keep using Fortunate Son without permission or whatever but that’s about it. That’s not much of a show.

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He finds someone dumb to organize it and pay him a speaking fee.
( twitter | raw text )

Losing AF1 is gonna be a big deal, I agree.

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Yea Trump is in the process of jumping the shark. Even with the deplorables. Bilking tens of dollars from the rubes isn’t sustainable. Even if a million people give him $10 every month, that’s only $120 million a year. I’d be surprised if he could raise more than $50 million. Because you know people with real money ain’t gonna give it to him once he is out of office.



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he’s auto charging them every two weeks or so, they are even if they don’t want to

I suppose that could work if there are enough even dumber rich people who will pay thousands for dinner and a photo with someone who wouldn’t do shit to exert influence on their behalf even if he had the power to do so, which he most likely won’t.