The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

since they have the supreme court and a few key state legislatures I wouldn’t say it’s literally dead but it’s gonna require so much ridiculousness and stupidity that the country isn’t worth shit if it happens anyway.

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The Supreme Court will never see a case from them because they get laughed out of court in the first 20 minutes

Is it better to have that outcome or for them to never agree to see it? I’d love to see them laughed out of the SC by Trump’s own SC appointees. Or see Kav twist himself into beer pretzels trying not to insult dear leader.

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Haha he’s triggered.

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So they didn’t agree but now that they are in they’ll just stay in and not withdraw?

No wonder they added you in without consent if you are gonna stay in now

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Re: Sidney Powell:

“For the first time in more than four years and because of my fearless attorney, Sidney Powell, the Guardian Angel of American Justice, and thousands of good people with endless energy rallying together on my behalf, I breathe freedom and liberty today.”


“Ms. Sidney Powell entered the Flynn family’s lives like an Angel sent from heaven with the fighting spirit of David, ready to slay Goliath—and she did.”

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I was gonna say. You mock her, but his last attorney got him convicted, she got the charges dropped AND a pardon.

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potus enjoying Thanksgiving with his family lol


Shut the fuck up and eat some turkey, asshole.

Can we get some pumpkin pie laced with sedatives to the White House? I would be THANKFUL.

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There’s a great joke here about Flynn using the oxford comma while Trump doesn’t, but I can’t think of it.

That gif is amazing

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I notice something new every time

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There is another