The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I think they’re hoping to either influence the courts or get the state legislature to just flat out appoint Trump electors.

Expert witness: We need federal, enforceable standards and technology like blockchain should be used to protect the votes while modernizing our voting methods.

That room got quiet REAL fucking quick.


Ellis: You can call for a new special election, or you can appoint Trump electors, but you cannot allow this to stand. (Applause) We’re asking you to do that, today.

Rudy: The judge said our claims were absurd, but he has a responsibility to believe everything we say and assume it’s true.


Putting public voting records on a blockchain would um be a thing. At least it would prevent you from hiring a trumper.

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So, the Commonwealth Legislature is full of Q?

PR. They get to be seen fighting for Trump which will give them the Fuhrers approval and help their re-election. Good for Rudy and the senate. Rudy probably getting paid by all kinds of shady people.

Plus post inauguration it can affirm to his supporters the election was stolen. This weakens democrats and helps Trumps ego

With the off chance they can get the legislature to appoint Trump electors. They know there was no fraud and thus no way to toss out votes.

Some random senator: Jesus said the truth is out there and the truth shall set you free, and he was right. The truth is out there and you saw it today, media do your job. You wouldn’t dig on this, so we did. Now do your job. I also want to thank the military. (someone in the crowd yells “HUA!” and everyone claps) I don’t know how this happens in America. Just like before, history is changing for our state and country here in Gettysburg. I can’t believe this is happening here, I see this stuff in Belarus and Russia. It’s disgusting. What happened? We’re not going to let this stand. We are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic. I can’t help but think of Todd Beamer in 2001, “Let’s roll,” well this is our time to roll. Let’s roll. They say democracy dies in darkness and we’re not going to let that happen. A court has overturned an election here before, that’s a precedent, this will go to the Supreme Court. You’ll have to make the case (points to Rudy) but it sure seems like something stinks in Denmark, or in Philadelphia. (He now read a Bible verse about reaping harvest.) We’re going to reap our harvest. This is a time for action. Yes, Mr. Franklin, a Republican if you can keep it. Well, we’re going to keep it. Can you? Will you? Can we? We will.


It’s all gerrymandered and shit, so yeah.

This was a legit paraphrase by the way, not parody.
( twitter | raw text )


Well sounds like he plans on hoping the supreme court will save them which will not happen. Thought he was gonna go with appointing Trump electors.

How it was going

How it’s going now


Yep lol he had quite the rant.

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Surprised Flynn gets the first Pardon. Flynn initially flipped, and yet still nothing for his other loyal soldiers who never even thought of it lol. That must sting.

Someone in the twitter comments said the guy reporting the parler hack had been FOS on stuff in the past. Apparently he lists NY Times in his bio - but that just means the NY Times wrote about him one time.

Strange name for a turkey


Amazing that all the fraud happens in predominately black towns.

Only been 14 min but needs more love


This pardon thing seems like a leak

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