The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Rudy is demanding that they deduct 678,000 votes in Pennsylvania.

Alternatively, Rudy says that they can inspect all of the envelopes and ballots. He predicts thousands of fake ballots will be found and duplicate envelopes.

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Rudy is just the type to die from covid.

I mean. This is funny and all. But dont the PA state republicans have the ability to send their own slate of electors?

Yeah… If Trump was smarter that guy wouldn’t be getting any Regeneron.

But the tracks were from a 1963 Pontiac Tempest.

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Rudy: investigations take too long to help us, you just have to overthrow the results.

They can try. They’re unlikely to win in court and any attempt will lead to violent riots.

Please clap

I heard it was actually a Chevy Corvair.

Incoming Majority Leader is saying it’s all a travesty. Rudy says they excluded all Republicans because of what they would see.

Rudy is now chin strapping.

It does look like the PA State Legislature may try some shit, though.

Rudy: There were tons of drop boxes in blue areas and not in red. They were right on top of each other in Philly and Allegheny and they were miles apart in rural areas.

Yeah Rudy, who’s fault was that jackass?!!


Rudy: There was a movie called Being There, I don’t know if any of you have seen it or not, but…

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This film features a simpleton who only knows about what he sees on the television. Wonder why he’s thinking about that?


I’m honestly not shook anymore. Not just that it won’t happen, but even if it does.

Like to me it is so clearly obvious we’re fucked going into the future it’s possible there are timelines where Trump going all the way with this and maybe even succeeding ends up good overall.

Country collapses, people fight back, and maybe something better rises from the ashes.

Like absolutely it’d be terrible, but maybe long term better. Because from what I see long term we’re losing democracy regardless as things stand until we get a big change from the democratic party. Again not progressive, but competent and with popular policies.

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Rudy with some pro movie references, I’ll give him that.

( twitter | raw text )

Normally, the shitty cellphone picture of a screen gif format is kinda annoying, but in this case, it’s perfect.


I’m not shook short term, because this clown show is not going to work to get him to 270. They are getting laughed out of courts, so they’re doing a kangaroo court in a fucking hotel conference room as a fake State Senate Hearing.

Long term I more or less agree with your outlook.

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Can the state just toss out votes or what are they hoping for here?