The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

“Mr. President, you are now connected.”


That’s a real thing that was said and what happened, not a joke or a meme or a picture out of context.


youtube. He’s on right now.

OAN. It’s via speakerphone at a fake hearing of the Republicans of the PA State Senate in a conference room of a hotel in Gettysburg.


OMG we need updates


Trump: I got more votes than Ronald Reagan got when he won 49 states, there’s no way I lost.

People that were dead were signing up for ballots! They were dead for years!

They want it to get overturned and give him the win. Just lol.

Trump: Why wouldn’t they overturn an election? You have more votes than voters in Detroit, Michigan!

Trump: A lot of good things are happening in Georgia, and Wisconsin and Michigan with people seeing what happened in Detroit… And we’re closely watching Pennsylvania and what happened in Philadelphia.

Trump: “This election was lost by the Democrats. They cheated. This was a fraudulent election.”

Rudy starts a round of applause.

Giuliani gives the wrap it up clap.

Someone else just called Rudy, you could hear the beep from call waiting. Lolllll


Trump sounds pretty low-energy

The woman on the right in the front row keeps laughing… Can’t tell if it’s at him or with him.

It’s with him, she’s clapping for Rudy.

The writers are out of control. Like I’m really supposed to believe this is real life. C’mon. Totally unrealistic.


Trump to Rudy: “This is going to be your crowning achievement, because you’re saving our country.”

Crowd erupts into “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!”

State Senator, “What you’re just hearing confirms that 100 years from now this will be remembered as the important hearing ever held by this committee.”

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Lol “all we need is a judge to look at the case without… a… political agenda… or… any other kind of problem.”

Bias. The word your mush, COVID-riddled brain was looking for was bias you sad sack of shit,


LMAO OAN has the cursor from the livestream on the feed.