The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

One party had been driving this narrative way, way harder than the other though. And one party actively tries to dismantle anything the government does to help anyone other than the richest 0.1%. So this seems an odd thing to “both sides” about. The eDems stink, but the hollowing out of American institutions is a Republican crime.


The Democrats haven’t been a party fighting for labor for the past 35 years. They stopped fighting the Republicans on hollowing out institutions, and in many cases helped them. You want to say the Republicans are worse, fine. Who cares. But the Democrats’ rightward shift with the New Democrats in the 1980s and 90s forced the Republicans to shift even further right to differentiate themselves. And now that the Democrats have as much or more of the Republican’s former donor base of Wall Street and big business…


In case y’all don’t know, people who have even been to Israel are officially not allowed to enter Saudi Arabia and unofficially Jewish people are not allowed. Jews in the US military have been advised to remove any indication they are Jewish when stationed there.


This is all accurate and I generally agree, I just don’t see the point of harping on this. You have to ask yourself who is served by these constant attacks on the Dems for being almost as bad as Republicans. It’s the Republicans! The only real strategy that works here is the AOC approach of “be the change you want to see”.


Yep, there is also a reason Ds selfishly went the way they did. These people would rather engage with conspiracy theories than install new leaders like say Bernie that are sincerely good compassionate humans that care about all people… meaning them but also including minorities and gasp, maybe even humanity and the world at large… why that is elitist too!

Well it’s about the causation of what’s happened. The reason US politics are so fucked up is that we don’t actually have representatives battling over the conflicting impulses of conservatism and liberalism. Conservatism being the mindset of “OK things are mostly fine right now more or less, let’s not blow everything up and make drastic changes”. And liberalism being “hey this thing or that thing is fucked up, we need to do something about it.” Both of which ought to be rooted in the idea of what’s best for people in the country.

Obviously Republicans haven’t been actually conservative in a long time and are more than willing to make drastic changes to the country in order to serve their actual constituency, and have been for decades. And now Democrats have much the same constituency, wall street and big business, and have similar goals.

The 1992 election and NAFTA is a stark embodiment of this. NAFTA is something that should be unpopular to both conservatives and liberals. Conservatives because it’s a big change to the country, maybe we should be skeptical. Liberals because their loyalty should be to labor and workers. But Bush and Clinton were in lockstep for NAFTA because it served their actual constituency.

So basically what I’m saying is that both parties have abandoned the necessary framework for a functional democracy. It’s why our elections are all about personality and dumb identity and social issues. Because the politicians have avoided addressing the big problems in people’s lives.


Yeah I have to remember all that when I do my road trip. You have to ask them not to stamp your passport. Same for like Azerbaijan and Armenia or something.


That can’t be real.

It just can’t be real.


Fucking onion. This is just someone who is amazing at video editing getting themselves a job.



Omg :laughing:


The truly funny thing is that we all really had to think for a while about whether it’s real, and whatever answer we came up with, there’s still a chance the opposite is true.


I said somewhere else, I will never not laugh hysterically at that cat.


There is absolutely not a single clip in the world you could post that wouldn’t have me at least momentarily wondering if it could possibly be real.

Maybe like a long, coherent policy-related dialogue, but absolutely nothing is in the “so crazy it can’t possibly be real” category.

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Apparently it’s time for the airing of grievances. Oh yeah and there’s like a couple sentences about starting the formal transition.

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( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )


Great tweet. Her letter clearly indicates she is desperate to avoid association with both sides and then he ropes her in 5 seconds later.

Also: the threats are from your supporters you moron.


LOL Mitch is done fucking around with this asshole.