The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces
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Let’s make a new game show.

You get to face off vs a deplorable. You’re given a topic and thirty minutes on the internet to collect the best evidence for your argument.

Have a bonus round where contestants go back for evidence to respond to follow-up questions from the moderator in your last chance to STEAL IT ALL.

We’ll call the game show Do Your Own Research

Eta: no no no the right title is “I Do My Own Research”


Margaret Thatcher was a better than competent politician. I threw her in there simply to prove that there have been great female politicians on both sides of the spectrum. I totally agree about who she was as a person and the lasting impacts of what she did. She was a reasonable example of what it takes to become the political leader of a major nation (it certainly was before she started on it lol).

I disagree that what we need is more mediocre anythings. Mediocre women, particularly rich women, can displace a talented poor/minority person with more or less the same impact as a man doing the same thing. If you see someone mediocre in a powerful position it’s time to figure out how that happened so you can fix it… because there are more than enough talented people in the world to go around and these things actually matter.

I know that it’s been popular with libertarians forever to whine and complain about how the most qualified candidate isn’t getting selected because of affirmative action… when in reality upper class mediocrities getting jobs that they don’t deserve is the single largest distorting thing in our meritocracy. And every single one of those important jobs they hold that in a perfect meritocracy they wouldn’t be able to get within 3 layers of belongs to someone else. Someone else who has probably been forced to find a different harder road. Someone who is now doing less for the collective we than they should be doing.

I know that a lot of you get super angry at the very word meritocracy… but I think it’s a deeply held American value that has been used to sell the existing system to everyone… and it’s been so poked full of holes that it’s just an absurdly easy thing to attack with. There’s nepotism everywhere, and it’s appreciated in none of those places. For every rich asshole whose daddy’s daddy bought a dealership franchise from Ford back in the 20’s-30’s there are dozens of people who have to work at that petty monopolists poorly run dumpster fire and put up with his bullshit.

And this is not a small problem. With every inferior decision the nepotist degrades the entire society around themselves. Donald Trump is probably the biggest example of the danger nepotism poses to a civilization we’ve experienced so far as a country… but there are a ton of these people out there. Even in poker we’ve seen a few shitty rich kids buy their way in and fuck everything up.

I think Angela Merkel would perhaps not be the President, but very likely would be in Nancy Pelosi’s spot and be massively better at every aspect of it.
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Was the presidential 2-term limit some kind of norm that FDR broke? Why would Dems ever agree to codifying that? Obama would still be president right now. Well maybe he’d be a lame duck right now with covid - but he would have slaughtered Trump in 2016.

Then again given the direction Rs are going I’m kind of happy it exists - although they’d certainly try to change it. You know Trump would have.
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I dont think we disagree. More competent people definitely better. Just that a world without barriers would have an equal number of competent/incompetent leaders amoung men and women.

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Ronald Reagan would have been president until 2004.


Didn’t even source that quote. Lol.

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Eisenhower would have been president until '69. Not sure how that would have changed things either.

Yes, George Washington set the precedent of not running for a third term and everyone followed this norm until FDR broke it, after which they put it into law that no one can have three terms.

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“gained knowledge”? Do instead of Due. No random capitalizations. 2 outta 3 says not Trump.

In which the President admits COVID is “running wild” in the U.S. What a dumbass.

This whole argument has the problem that people do not agree what makes a politician good. Angela Merkel is a superb technocrat but horrible at reading popular sentiment.
She lost an unlosable election in 2003 by trying to outflank Gerhard Schröder by criticizing him for NOT joining the war in Iraq and almost gave a win away in the special election of 2005 by running on super unpopular healthcare policy (instating a flat fee instead of income based rates).
The she had an epiphany and started moving her party to the centre, which was very successful electorally as it crushed the major centre left party but gave rise to the right-wing populist AfD.
She is great at managing her party, but that is one of the skills of a bureaucrat. In her ability to connect to voters on a personal level she is very Pelosi-like. The major difference is that she is not wealthy and actually seems rather frugal.

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you missed NV as a defend, IA isn’t a target

Kinda don’t agree with all the people insisting if this all weren’t stupid it’d be an easier coup, they wouldn’t get the sheer number of people supporting it if they were smarter about it.

Yeah, I gotta agree with this. Iowa seems like it has gone the way of Ohio.