The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Samesies. I’m way more WAAF now than I was before the election. I had a lot of hope for a landslide.

Now it seems clear we’re going to keep the same ineffective leadership and get crushed in 2022 and just have a shit 4 years and hope Biden getting the vaccine out quickly carries us in 2024 with hopefully new leadership.

It’s possible getting crushed in 2022 will finally get the political will to throw these fucking ghouls out of power and get some competent people in there by 2024. If so then maybe we can have some hope again.

We have the popular policies and Republicans have the super unpopular policies. So there is always hope that if we get some intelligent people in power we can crush.

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Did they really tell him to fuck off though?

Click above to see the Michigan GOP Rep’s Twitter Photo.

And then below:

My read here is that the GOP leadership thinks they are just playing along with Trump’s attempt to delay the inevitable whereas Trump himself is deadly serious about using the time they are giving him to find a way to break through.

Specifically my guess is that he will try to create George Floyd levels of protests/counterprotests soon in response to his actions and try to find a way to use the chaos as a ladder.

Again, I agree that is it very very unlikely to work and hard to see exactly what his out is, but it is wrong to say we are out of the woods already.

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In the Senate we have four targets to flip (PA, NC, WI, IA). I’m including Iowa because we’re either running against Pidgin Man or no incumbent. PA and NC are retiring incumbents.

We have one to defend: AZ.

Georgia will either be one to defend or a target to flip.

Holding the House isn’t a lock, but it’s not like we’re massive underdogs either.

This is somewhat similar to the GOP position going into 2018. They got slaughtered and gained in the Senate.

That’s about right, but Trump knows he lost and is already making plans for being out of power. He’s going to keep crashing into guardrails but they’re all holding.

So far he’s gotten one mid sized protest in DC, and he waved at them on the way to or from a round of golf. Like think about that. “THEY STOLE THE ELECTION AND OVERTHREW MY RIGHTFUL WIN! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! ALRIGHT GOTTA RUN I’VE GOT A TEE TIME!!”

It’s like a thousand to one.

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That first protest was not really organized by Trump, it is true to it was organic and then Trump kind of half heartedly nudged it along.

You’ll know he is serious about stage 2 of the coup when he starts doing rallies himself and/or starts taking actions that so severely own the libs that we are all out there on the streets.

The Sri Lanka analogy seems fine to me. A probably over simple cliffs would be that a corrupt President tried to protect themselves from various corruption investigations by installing a government against the will of the people, the government was close to non functional for a period of months. It ultimately didn’t work.

Then to the ‘future’. A horrible terrorist attack occurs, it was very probably a result of the government dysfunction as it seems it should have been known about and stopped by one of the security services. However it results in the government that had to be kicked out winning the presidential election later that year because it’s the party that capitalises on fear in the obvious manner.

It’s a warning that if you’re dysfunctional then you’re vulnerable, that crises provoked by vulnerability are the perfect breeding ground for further dysfunction, and that’s a vicious spiral that you quite likely can’t pull out of. It’s just obvious stuff really, and is not particularly a warning that a civil war or coup is about to occur.


The part that doesn’t translate is an attack that killed 269 people triggering the end of democracy.

To scale, that would be just over 4,000 people here. We’re going to be cranking out that many daily deaths and then some pretty soon from COVID.

And it wasn’t all in one location, to scale it would be like having 90-100 mass shootings in a day across the country. That would be awful, but it wouldn’t precipitate the collapse of our government.

It didn’t trigger the end of Sri Lankan democracy, I don’t think the 2019 election was considered a scam (but I could be wrong there). I’ll defer to the author on what the outcome there is like, though. The point is there’s lots of bad outcomes that won’t look like ‘the end of democracy’.

So. In most ways this is a great post.

Id just like to add a perspective on those exceptional women you posted. They are exceptional because they had to be to overcome all the barriers.

Feminism requires that we get more mediocre or just kind of good women in power. If they replace the terrible men, then its still a step up.

Also. Margaret Thatcher was an obscene ghoul.


Only thing stopping a coup from happening now is that everybody around Trump and Trump himself is too stupid and/or lazy to do it.

God help America if a smart version of Trump becomes POTUS

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No really, good posts.

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( twitter | raw text )

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Good post.

Not going to engage anyone who nitpicks this, but it tells the right story when we describe Hillary vs Trump as the most qualified woman in history losing to the least qualified man of all time. That’s easy to blast apart if you take it literally, but it tells the story of what obstacles women must overcome to succeed, even if you believe that woman is eminently qualified.



Be somebody!


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Fuck a bridge or an airlift, we need a spaceship capable of transporting the bulk of humanity off of this dying planet that our species has stripped down to the bone.

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Everyone says this, including me, but I’m beginning to wonder if this is even possible. Can you have a smart version of Trump? I’m not sure it is possible. The stupidity that shines through is actually fundamental to his appeal. “Smart Trump” cannot exist.

The best you could have is a smart person who acts like Trump. And they would have to be a pretty great actor. But a smart person who puts on a Trump act is not quite the same as a smart Trump. It’s kind of nitty, but the two are different. I will freely admit that the difference is not all that important.


I would like a portal that gets us out of the mirror dimension. I’m tired of wearing this fake mustache!

First R rated movie I ever saw. “You got my name tattooed on your ass? Wow I bet more people see that than the phone book.”

Yeah that was quick. I sent my family the article and they’re huge Tucker stans and now suddenly, “I do my own research! I don’t care what he or anyone else says.”

I need an infinity face palm gif. This shit is overwhelming. All my sources are fake and then even when “their” source agrees now that’s fake too.