The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Very good, but you missed an opportunity to say it was 14% off.


Had to save something for Goya and Life Alert!

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Nope. This issue has been addressed.

I’m not saying there isn’t sexism from HRC critics, but that is a separate issue from the very specific benefits derived from being Bill’s wife.

Re: Cucker Tarlson discussion, it’s actually not shocking. Cucker clearly has a vested interest in the country not burning. Recall that he was one of the only foxnews hosts early on to not call COVID a hoax. He’s a scumbag, but he’s not crazy.


Another one?

There has to be some saturation point for the “Fox News is not fascist enough for me” crowd.

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The author did not say that exactly what happened in Sri Lanka was going to happen here. He clearly and repeatedly stated that he did not know what was going to happen.

People keep stubbornly ignoring the points being made on this subject, over and over again. I’m starting to think it’s a defense mechanism in order to avoid confronting how dire things are. Rather than face how truly broken and unstable everything is and that we’ve already effectively lost the war, the argument instead gets shifted to some highly specific and overly dramatic scenario that nobody is actually predicting.


I mean I’ve repeatedly said that we’re on the path to being completely fucked in four years. People are explicitly worrying about a successful coup in the next two months, which is not going to happen.

We were at serious risk of the downfall of democracy in America this year. We bought ourselves four years. We’re still likely to be fucked, but at least we bought time to keep fighting.

Nobody has told anyone they’re silly to worry about American democracy going forward. We desperately need HR1+, if not our demise is inevitable.

But this coup isn’t going to be succeed. There will likely be domestic terror going forward, there is a high risk of a successful assassination of Dem politicians, and things won’t just go back to normal.

None of that is going to lead to the downfall of the government.

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Who is explicitly worrying about a successful coup? These aren’t posts I see very often. The exchanges I keep seeing go more like this:

“We’re hurtling towards a cliff.”

“What are you talking about? We’re nowhere near Dover.”

“Right, but there are lots of cliffs. We’re very clearly heading towards one at breakneck speed.”

“You’re being ridiculous. We haven’t fallen off the edge of the Grand Canyon.”

“I, uh, never said we had?”

“I have no idea why you’re so afraid of pits. There are no pits here.”

“Cliffs. Not pits, cliffs.”

“Yes, I know there are cliffs. But we obviously aren’t going to be trapped in a cave. Calm down.”

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Yeah only like Jbro is worried about the coup succeeding, maybe like one or two other people but they don’t post much about it.

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JBro is leading the charge

As for the rest of your post, the proper analogy is that we were speeding towards a cliff about to hurtle over it, and took a sharp 90 degree turn at the last second. We’re now hurtling toward another cliff at breakneck speed, but it’s way farther away. People are still worrying about the cliff we just avoided.

The real problem is that we’re on this mesa, surrounded by cliffs, and we need to build a bridge or get airlifted to a safer place because sooner or later we’re not going to turn in time.


Seriously we won the election and I’ve never been so fully on the WAAF barge headed to our entire species eventual extinction.

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too long. cliffs plz?


Right but that’s what’s been dominating the discussion, and I don’t think it’s really about genuine intellectual concerns over the coup deep down. I think it’s fully internalized WAAF or some sort of fear/panic addiction. There’s always a comeback. The Michigan legislature will do it, and if not them the federal courts, and if not them SCOTUS, and if not them ICE, and if not them the military, and if not them Trump will just stay and nobody will do anything and Joe will concede.

Meanwhile the MI legislature told him to fuck off, he’s 1-32 in courts with crazier judges than SCOTUS, the Chair of the Joint Chiefs told him to fuck off, and the Secret Service almost certainly hates his guts.

But I’ve made the point a few times that we all had a fear/panic habit and some aren’t letting it go - it was rational for a while, it’s not anymore. First it was election night, lots of people forgot about the red mirage and panicked. Now it’s concerns about the coup.

We’ve all been mainlining fear and panic and WAAF for four years. It’s tough to pull away from that. It’s legitimately like breaking an addiction imo, I have to remind myself to inject logic. There are almost certainly chemical reactions in our brain making us crave the horrible news and terrifying scenarios.


I mean if we lost it was full WAAF in 2021. Now we bought four years for bright minds to engineer a strategy. Do you think the 6-7 of us are the only 6-7 people in America saying “Fuck this incompetent party, let’s do something.”? I highly doubt it.

We were fucked, but scientists got 95% effective vaccines in under a year.

We are fucked, but scientists are closing in on fusion reactors that could be huge in the fight on climate change.

We are fucked, but highly intelligent people are getting in the fight.


When people disregard democratic norms, chaos ensues.

My thoughts: To the extent that fighting back is necessary, we have to be careful to respect democracy rather than gleefully join Republicans in blowing it up.

Oh don’t worry… there’s a part of the ‘The Right Stuff’ (the book not the movie) where the test pilot mindset is described. The way I remember it it’s that you can be hurtling toward the earth and your controls may have decided to stop working. You need to try the next thing. And after that the next one. You should be trying the 17th thing as you get absolutely vaporized when your plane smashes into the ground. Thinking about that every now and then when I fuck up and look up and see just how far we are from anywhere sustainable keeps me from getting too depressed about it.

It obviously mostly doesn’t work.