The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Were probably going to get a wave of “our institutions played excellent bend but don’t break defense” takes and I can’t possibly express how wrong those people will be.


I think in a world without barriers there would be very close to zero less than decent people in important jobs… and the results of every single task undertaken would be 25-50% better over time. It would compound crazy fast.

I expect to be very irritated by those takes.

I’m a bears fan I can tell you that only works when you have at least three hall of fame caliber defenders. we have uh at best, nancy pelosi?

This is probably a fair assessment. I don’t speak German or follow German politics day to day (I’m sure it’s interesting if you speak German and know all the context, but knowing the US system quasi well takes up so much mind share I doubt I’ll ever really get to that level with any other countries politics unless I move there. You on the other hand are a German politician who IS following two different political systems. I’m going to guess your take on Merkel is more accurate than mine.


Tucker doesn’t think covid is a hoax, but he does think the elites are using it as an excuse to screw you over, you real Americans. Trudeau, Merkel and the globalists are going to ruin your world forever because of the pandemic.

I don’t think NV is one we have to worry much about. We can’t ignore it, but if it flips just burn the whole country down.

As for Iowa, Grassley is either going to be running as an 89 year old fossil or he retires and nobody has incumbency. Let’s see who wins the primary before we write it off.

Tucker Carlson is like a racist dude poking around in the dark in a sea of populism. He gets closer to the truth more often than the eDems, it’s just always overflowing with racism and in between is complete bullshit.

But the 1% are making out like bandits off the pandemic.


Sure, but the amount of help to the 99% in this pandemic in Canada/Germany dwarfs the $1200 Americans got. Tucker knows this. He doesn’t want regular people getting this help.

Tucker is smarter and more in touch with reality than most politicians, but as you said, he is a gigantic piece of racist shit.

This is a must read if you never have:

Took everything I had not to run this clown down.



Did the front say “WWG1WGA”?

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My first thought:


Where’s a milkshake to throw when you need it?

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I’m getting bored with this coup d’etat. Old man tweets at sky, golfs, and repeats daily.

Shit or get off the pot, asshole.




Hillary Clinton was a very powerful and accomplished woman. A real Margaret Thatcher.

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