The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I do think there is a chance the entire Trump political brand craters pretty quickly once he is out of office.

A big part of his bullshit tough guy image is based on being President. His supporters love that he is constantly owning people or whatever, including and especially the press, which he only gets away with because of the office. Starting in about 2 months, he’s not going to have 50 reporters scared of being excommunicated to abuse at will. And he won’t be able to use the White House as a prop or bully an endless parade of uniformed sycophants into contributing to the charade.

In addition, and probably more consequentially, he’s going to start looking like a loser. All the civil suits he effectively paused by being President will come back to life, and all at once. Not to mention the criminal cases. And his financial problems are only going to worsen and receive more scrutiny. He had a lot of power as President to keep bad things from happening that will now happen all at once.

Now, its definitely possible he fades all that and remains the head of the party, runs in 2024, and cruises to the nomination. But there is a substantial chance that within 24 months the entire party will pretend they never voted for him and/or move on to someone equally/more insane.


That and also previous positions are meaningless as far as her strength as a politician. She is not a likeable person in an era where no amount of marketing can cover that up… its a problem.

Don Jr. running in 24 would be a hilarious fail imo. I hope it happens.


The most hilarious part would be Sr. sabotaging him to protect his own ego. Sr. would have to be dead or incapacitated for Jr. to run.

Heard an interview with Michael Cohen and he went on at length about how Trump can’t stand anyone around him having any degree of success, especially if he has anyway of possibly believing the success should rightfully be his… which is always.

Yea read Hillary’s wiki page and imagine it’s a guy. You would think this person is the most qualified person in history to be a president. She’s literally checked off every box. First Lady, SOS, Senator, Lawyer, etc. She is an extremely powerful woman.


We don’t need to My Cousin Vinny voir dire Hillary Clinton ffs. She’s qualified.


Only person to lose to a game show host for the presidency


Did you hear what Trump said when he was told Don Jr. tested positive for COVID-19?



Asymptomatic bleh.

Lol at these people that think after four years of picture-book briefings of probably the most sensitive, and interesting information on the planet, a letter is going to get through to this piece of shit.

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I don’t really have a dog in this fight, and I certainly don’t think she wasn’t qualified, but the whole thing starts with a huge assist from Bill.

She only even gets to run for Senator because she is Bill’s wife. I’m sure there were a long list of establishment dem New Yorkers who were waiting their turn for that NY senate seat. She cut in line (presumably through connections) and got that. This gives her some resume to use for her presidential run (which was the plan even before she became a senator). Then she loses that and cuts a deal with Obama to be SOS.

Sure, she did a fine job when she got those positions, but what’s her VORP over someone like Gillibrand? Aside from the name recognition, not much.

But even though there are plenty of others who surely could have done those jobs well, she actually did them well. And she should get credit for that. But it all happened because she was Mrs. Clinton. Could she have done it on her own if she never married Bill? Certainly not unlikely. But that’s not how it actually went down.


I’m really not convinced the pandemic helped dems. Whats the argument that it did? That Americans are rational people and listened to objective news sources that showed factually that this administration handled it poorly? lol



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And she also lost to Donald Trump… and I was talking about her strength as a Presidential political candidate, you know a popularity contest… not a resume dick measuring contest…

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I more or less said exactly that:

I think we’re kind of semantic argument here. I’m not diminishing her work as a Senator or SOS. I’m just saying that it would have been an additional accomplishment to have achieved those things without the assist from Bill. Now I’m sure everyone who gets these positions has the benefit of connections with someone, but having the leader of the party/ex-POTUS as the main connection is far better than most get.

So she gets diminished credit for becoming a Senator, but full credit for being a senator. Someone like Obama gets more credit for the former.

Hillary has a great resume in spite of being a terrible politician. Both can be true and not be revisionist history.


Basically that. And many would have seen it ravage their communities and families first hand (without having to rely on a news source). Trump got some fortunate timing as it only really hit urban (i.e., Blue) areas really hard until recently. More rural areas are only now getting a taste.

Agreed. Polling favored the Dems approach but I doubt it turned out a ton of people who weren’t already voting blue. I think it turned out a lot of rare voters that were against shutdowns.


Maybe I’m wrong here, but I recall polling showing that voters overall and a substantial portions of Trump’s base were super pissed off at how he handled the pandemic.

Polls were also fake, and specifically fake in a way that heavily oversampled people who took the Coronavirus seriously (because they were home all day to answer pollsters calls while YOLO people were YOLOing)