The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces


Jr. would crush a GOP primary right now and it’s not even close.


Where did you get this I was searching all over

Maybe, but would be crushed in a general. Sr. has the Yin and the Yang, a) the angry and dumb b) the funny and entertaining.

Jr. just has the angry and dumb part down.

I already thought that insatiable itch you get sometimes between your nuts and your anus was already called a Trump. Can’t use the name again!

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Shit changes a lot in four years. Three weeks after the 2016 election, Bernie would have crushed a dem primary AINEC.


Which sub

sasse will eat jr for lunch in the primaries

LOL at all the Trump loyalists who think it will help them become president.

How the fuck you gonna run on a “loyal to Trump” platform when you’re running against a Trump?

And even if there is no Trump on the ballot (a HEAVY underdog) how are 25 people all gonna run on the “I was the most loyal to Dear Leader” platform?

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It’s the opposite problem. They just don’t want to get the tweet of death from him.

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You guys who think Florida Man Jr. couldn’t win in the general election are being awfully optimistic given how badly Dems underperformed in 2020. There isn’t going to be a pandemic helping the Dems and the right-wing derposphere is going to spend the next four years giving Kamala the Hillary treatment.


Click to enlarge.


He is too plainly dumb and boring to pull off the fun successful businessman routine. Would anyone watch The Apprentice w/ Don Jr. taking over?

On the other hand Hillary Clinton almost became President despite being an awful politician based on family name/the support of the party apparatus, so should revise to Don Jr. could win but it would be despite being a historically weak candidate.

I hear you but no, just no. Don Jr. is like a less charming and dumber version of Paul Ryan.

Jesus christ with this HRC revisionism. She was a Senator and Secretary of State. Before that she was a successful attorney. Her sole accomplishment wasn’t “Bill Clinton’s Wife.”


I think the argument is all of those things she got from being Bill Clinton’s wife.

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Not the attorney part.