The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Trump definitely could have insisted on even less qualified, more loyal judges, but I don’t think he is capable of thinking ahead. The next GOP President is going to break America.


Lol its already broken. Just because trump will be removed doesnt mean it isn’t. Half this country thinks joe Biden literally stole the election.

This country is completely beyond salvation and dem leadership will not save us.


Rasmussen says 60% of R’s think Trump should concede. So it’s probably closer to 70%. So about 25 million think it was stolen. An insane amount, sure. But it’s nowhere near half the country.

A lot of these Trumpkins are low information voters that don’t understand how elections work.

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And a huge chunk of the ones who say they think it was stolen don’t actually believe it.

The problem is the most insane people are the ones who vote in GOP primaries, so here we are.

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I dont see a route to sustainability for America. When enough people want to burn it down, it will burn.

Holy shit did you guys actually watch the Rudy presser?

HOLY SHIT. Literally the most off the rails thing I’ve ever seen.

Yeah I thought the reaction here was a bit muted. I haven’t actually watched it but I’ve read enough about it to know it was probably the most insane thing that has happened in the entire Trump saga.



The most off the rails thing is the crickets coming from the Republican establishment.

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LOL at watching that video. I “watched” it by following the insane Rupar clips.


All the real lawyers jumped ship long ago. No more Ty Cobb or Jay Sekulow, it’s down to Rudy and whatever gibberish Newsmax is pouring into his cottage cheese-like brain.

You’ve got to admire the restraint that none of the question were “You lost motherfucker, what is wrong with you?”

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Whoever? It’s obv cuse


You forgot to sign into your @SweetSummerChild account

You might be right. I honestly have no idea, but I haven’t been trying super hard to guess. If you’ve thought about it for 10 minutes you’re well ahead of me on it.

Trump refuses to leave. Dems give a bunch of concessions after negotiating.


LOL no way it’s cuse
